Chapter One - "Pretty hot polar bears out there though"

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"Honey, Wake up, come on" My mothers soft voice pulled me out of the covers of my bed. I blinked up at her bleary eyed and half asleep

"What's the time" I asked her. She looked at the watch on her wrist and smiled

"It's only 6:30, Don't worry"

"SHIT" I swore loudly and with dissaproving looks from my mother scrambled out of bad and strode over to my chest-of-draws. My mother left the room with a shake of her head and left me to change. I stripped off my pj's and changed into a set of ripped up black jeans, a T-shirt for some band or another and my signature leather jacket. I slung my jacket over my shoulder and scurried down the stairs, jumping the last three and skidding across the hallway floor. I shoved a slice ot toast in the toaster and  pulled my jacket and high-tops on. I snuck a secret look at my watch which caused a variety of profanities to spew from my mouth. I was so late. I skipped the toast, grabbed my bike keys and ran out to the garage.

Flicking on the dim garage light and looked over to my bike, A jet black one of a kind Harley Davidson original, Courtesy of my father sat there gleaming, waiting to be ridden. I mounted the bike, shoved the key into the ignition and sped out of the garage and down the drive. I rode down to the end of my street and took a sharp left into the road leading to town. I snuck another glance at my watch and slammed my foot against the accelerator. Speeding in the town I nodded my head to Charlie the patrol officer, We had a sort of unspoken pact that all my early morning speeding escapades were forgotten. He nodded back to me as I sped past. I finally reached the set of office blocks and pulled up outside, I yanked the key out of the ignition, stuck the stand down and ran inside.

All around I was surrounded by people in suits, people hurrying around carrying tea and coffee or jogging to keep up with a person on the phone. I pulled my leather jacket a bit tighter around me and approached the front desk

"Stone Waters, 7.00 appointment with Mrs Matthews?" I asked the lady behind the desk. She looked up at me with a dissaproving look and then looked down at a sheet of paper on the desk

"Waiting room 7, Mrs Matthews will be ready shortly" She said curtly, giving me another dissaproving look. I nodded politely to her and walked offin the direction she had indicated. People walking the opposite direction gave me glares and even more dissaproving looks. I was tempted to ask one why they were giving me dirty looks but held my temper. I crossed into another waiting room, Unlike the immaculate, matching, pristine front desk one had a mish-mash of different chairs of all shapes, sizes and colours all facing outwards from a fountain that was spouting seemingly pink water. Before I had chance to comment on the colour it changed from pink to green. That was when I noticed the sets of LED lights at the bottom of the fountain, It was a pretty cool fountain.

"Pretty, Isn't it?" A voice asked, snapping me out of my gaze. I turned to face whenre the voice had came from and found a woman dressed in a sharp pencil skirt, white blouse and a suit jacket. She had close cropped greying hair and a stern experssion plastered on her face

"I'm not a fan of the waiting room, A previous colleagues choice" She glared at the fountain and the waiting room "Mr Waters, I assume?" 

"Uh- Yes, That's me" I said politely

"Come with me" She barked before turning into a small office I hadn't noticed before. I followed her inside and she directed me to a cream leather seat opposite a large oak desk, She took her position behind the desk and sat looking at me. After a while of looking me up and down she spoke

"Have you ever done chalet work before?" 

"No, Not chalet work but I've done hotel work and diners" I spoke fluently

The Summer Of Not So Much Skinny-DippingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz