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He went back to work and assisted in two coronary bypass with a senior resident

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He went back to work and assisted in two coronary bypass with a senior resident. He avoided the ICU wing. Once he had been in the elevator, the door opened to the hallway of her floor before he realised what he was doing, he hastened back.

He couldn't stop hearing Queen say it all over again that she was leaving. But he'd be lying if he said it had hurt as he thought it would. Deep down he knew, they both knew. It doesn't mean he doesn't find himself looking around, hoping to catch Queen working, to see if she really was hurt by what she was doing.

That evening, he texted Wright to meet him at their regular bar. Wright got there before him. Dave intimated him with the recent development over the pool table.

"Just like that?" he asked, his expression matched what Dave must have worn listening as Queen dropped the bad news. "you both have a fight."

"I wish there was a fight. One moment we were both trying. Then it felt like I was trying alone. Then Grace and Susan!" he could feel his fist tightened on a cue ball, "and she's leaving town, and just want an out."

"Sorry Man." Wright replied, clapping his hand on Dave's shoulder. "let's go get a drink."

They both walked to the counter to get some drinks when Wright excused himself to pick a phone call.

It was then he made his own. There will never be a great time for this, and calling Grace when he was nowhere near the hospital would be better than visiting her ward. Didn't he make it a new year resolution to be a grown up. he didn't' know how much anyone (Wright, most embarrassing of all his parent) else knew. If he doesn't want them prodding his life and moving things as they always do, this was his shitstorm to face. The thought of it all made his inside churn. Once again, he'd fallen beyond his own expectation, staring at her number reluctant (not scared, that'd be terrible, maybe a little confused) to make the call. He needed to make this call before he finally weans himself of common sense with his too much beer.

For few seconds, all he thought of saying went out the window when he heard her voice.


He looked up from the phone the same moment Wright seemingly appeared out of nowhere and sat. His inquisitive gaze met Wright's scrutinizing deadpan. He collected a glass of chilled beer and winked at the waiter. "how is she?" he asked.

"she sound's great." Dave replied, before he thought of asking how long Wright had been listening in. He had called wondering what Grace would be like, would sound like, how much she remembered, but she was just... Cool. Had he expected some indifference? Definitely. Some old vitriol, a threat should he refused to stay away? though extreme, possibly. He could only go on a limb as to believe that she didn't remember him, and he thought she had. that made it tougher still, didn't it? he couldn't ask questions about a past she didn't remember. "this whole thing just sprung on me." He was exasperated and he made sure Wright saw that. "I need answers."

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