Chapter 13

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

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"Try to understand, Miss Kocho," Kanao says in her soothing voice "Tsutako's men won't stay quiet after what happened" he added. No response. "If not yourself, then think about Aoi and how all this will affect her when she finds out," she said "you are like a sister to me, listen to me, take Aoi far away from here and start a new life" Shinobu's eyes teared up.....

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"Kocho has gone far away," Makomo said to Giyuu who was lying in the hospital bed tearing up like a child. "No one knows where" Makomo adds "but I want to see Shin- Kocho at any cost , I must tell her what happened"  Giyuu defends.

"Giyuu, it's none of my business, but all this bloodshed has taught me one thing. There is no meaning to this life. It's best if you forget everything and think about Inosuke" Sabito spoke. Makomo takes Sabito's and Giyuu's hands together "let's go together, we will start a new life right?" Giyuu nods with shivers.

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Shinobu slowly walks up to little Aoi, she kept crying after the death of Kanae "everything will be okay" Shinobu hugged her.

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"Where is Tsutako Nee-san?" Inosuke asked, Giyuu answered him with a hug..... (out of content bare with me)

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"It's hard to believe..that fates representing the same story 15 years later, seems like we are back to square one" Makomo tapped her foot "yes Giyuu, there are many countries in the world other than Japan and Kamagasaki, but they had to open a hotel at this place" Sabito agreed. 

"All these years I hid the truth from Inosuke and he shouldn't find out now either. We must stop Inosuke at any cost, and anyway, Kocho will never agree to this relation" Giyuu sighed.

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"But I want to know, what is the reason behind your rejection," Aoi said "it's a big one! that's it I don't want any more discussion over this. Forget him" Shinobu snapped 

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"But why?" Inosuke asked, "what happened between you and her sister? that you said no" Inosuke added to his question "I already told you, you won't ask any more questions" Giyuu answered "but Nii-chan" "Inosuke! there is a reason" Giyuu raised his voice and went inside his house.

"It's a serious matter" Zenistu eyed Giyuu "but what is the matter, look Monistu it's clear that Nii-chan now Shinobu chan, otherwise what can be the reason to say no" Inosuke used his big brain "who knows your brother's past" Inosuke pointed at Giyuu "him".

Zenistu caught his hand "the answer is correct but the direction is wrong," he turned his hand around "the person who knows about your brother's past are my parents!" Inosuke hands pointed at Makomo and Sabito's restaurant. Inosuke smirked "let's go" he dragged him. 

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"I said I don't know, now go away, I got a lot of customers to attend to," Sabito said "Hisoka-san are you going to order something or take this TV home" Sabito yelled at a daily customer who keeps watching the kids dance show for some reasons. "I'll place my order in five minutes," Hisoka said.

"You definitely know something, you must tell me today," Inosuke said and sat on the counter "I won't budge until you don't tell me," Inosuke said "Makomo nee-san, please say something," Inosuke said "Makomo nee-san please tell us their story, at least for my sake" Inosuke held onto Makomo's hand. "Dont do this, their story? they were thieves!" Makomo who had a soft spot for Inosuke yelled out loud "Makomo my love my precious stone, thieves? thieves she means they stole each other's heart" Sabito spoke. 

"So that means they were organ traffickers?" Inosuke asked "YOU DUMBASS IT MEANS THEY HAD AN AFFAIR" Zensitu yelled "Makomo tell us from the beginning.-Yes"  Inosuke requested "your brother's name was never Giyuu-" Sabito interrupted Makomo "Makomo- she means his real name was" Sabito takes a long pause when he saw an advertisement "His name was Depressed bro," Sabito said "DEPRESSED BRO?" "yeah, and he loved bashing people" "what?" "she means he loved bashing clothes he was the laundry guy," Inosuke thought.

"Then there must be a real name for her sister!" Inosuke said, Sabito took a long pause "her name was Smiley Butterfly" Sabito said "Depressed bro and Smiley butterfly!" Inosuke and Zenistu yelled out.

"How did they meet?"
"" Sabito and Makomo looked confused
"One day Smiley butterfly was walking alone when some goons came after her, then he slammed them on the ground"
"how can brother slam anyone?"
"He was a washerman right?"
"then Smiley butterfly met him every morning for tea"
"then they would meet in the evenings in the toilets" 
"why the toilets?" Makomo looked at the TV
"Hand pump" she answered
"Because Depressed bro would be his clothes at the hand pump which was below the Smiley butterfly's toilet"
"if their love was so pumped up then how did it turn to hatred?" Zenistu asked 
The couple looked for an answer which they again found on the TV
"Hatred, Gold, Smiley butterfly loved diamonds, jewels, gold and silver their story was somewhat like" Sabito looked at the TV "was like a cookery show" 
"What are you saying!?" Inosuke oinked 
"Because Depressed Bro could barely manage and square meal and Smiley butterfly was looking for treasure, then one day they got tired of all the arguments," Sabito looked at the TV again "your brother turned into a eunuch"
"yeah brother turned into a eunuch" Makomo said 
"What are you saying!?"
"Inosuke this is why he never got married" Zensitu said 
"Monistu shut up!"

"Omg in between them?" Inosuke aske d"It smy expression!" Sabito yelled "dont people say 'oh my god' when someone separates them, oi Dai cut off that customers finger, who keeps pressing the remote so frequently!" Sabito yelled in one breathe "Sabito san I remember when Nee-san and brother used to coem meet me at the hostel they always wore good clothes and came in big cars, we were rich" Inosuke cries "BECAUSE YOUR BROTHER WAS A WASHERMAN HE USED TO WEAR HIS CUSTOMER'S CLOTHES AND YOUR DAD WAS A MECHANIC, HE WOULD DRIVE HSI CUSTOMER'S CARS, JUST LIKE YOU DO. YOU ARE A MECHANIC AS WELL GO FIX CAFRS GO ON!" Sabito yelled while Inosuke went back sobbing. "Chill Sabito calm down" Makomo tired calming him down which kind worked i guess...

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wtf did i just do

𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙄𝙨 𝙁𝙖𝙞𝙧 𝙄𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙒𝙖𝙧Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ