Chapter 1, the beginning: Regret

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Since I was having a sad moment, I decided to just sit and regret the decisions of the past me.

Why did I think it was better? How could I even think of that? Why doesn't it make any sense? How could I be such a stupid little kid?!

Suddenly my phone buzzed. I looked at what was going on. Instagram. woozi_universefactory posted a new video.


I looked at the post and it was from his studio again.

"Without you here,
by my side,
my day goes by~ so~ slowly.
Please come back, my baby~
I beg you~ ..."

I heard his beautiful voice sing what sounded like a ballad song I've never heard before.

Could it be about me?

My mind suddenly made the most stupid thought of my life.

No, dummy, it must've been about someone else that left him... Or it was just random lyrics he thought of.

And before my brain could process my actions, I wrote him a comment saying 'Sounds nice.'

What did I just do?! I gotta delete that real qui-

'woozi_universefactory: Hi there, baby ❤!' What did he just...

I checked my direct messages and there was not a single new word in our conversation. But it was suddenly above all of them.

Out of nowhere a message appeared.

'Hi there, buddy.'

Did he write the first one and delete it afterwards? I wanted to ask him about it, but decided not to. Maybe I'll ask later. If I get to do so, sure.

'Hi.' I wrote.

As soon as I sent it, he saw it and started typing.

'How have you been? I haven't heard about you in a long time...'

Cover my lips »Samhoon« [EN]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon