talk shit

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"Excuse me Akane-kun, but could you please fuck off?" Aoi hissed, smiling while her eyes glared with hatred towards her childhood friend. Her hand gripped his wrist.

"I could say the same thing for you, Ao-chan. I have important matters to do, so please let go." He smiled viciously, his hands an inch away from Nene's hair.

"Oh? So your “important matters” is touching Nene-chan? Are you a pervert Akane-kun?" Aoi's sweet voice laced with venom, veins starting to get visible on her temple from anger.

"A pervert? Why would you think of me that way? Is it a crime to touch the opposite sex now?" Akane said sarcastically.

"Forgive me, it's just my instinct. I just dislike boys. Boys like you. And boys are filthy and doesn't know how to control their hormones, so I assumed you were actually trying to inappropriately touch Nene-chan."

"Oh?" Akane gritted his teeth. "I'm sorry that we males made you girls feel that way about us. But please, I need to speak a word to Yashiro-san."

"How would I know if you're not going to sexually assault her when she's vulnerable? I'm coming with you."

"I'm hurt, you've known me since childhood, could you ever think of me that way Ao-chan?" He pouted in sarcasm.

Aoi giggled. "Yes, I've known you for a long time. But people gradually change for the time being. That makes you included."

"So I've changed? Says the one who keeps changing her personality so that she can meet everyone's expectations of her. Didn't you admit you don't trust anyone?"

"That's true, but Nene-chan's the only exception. She's special."

"But I've been here longer than her, aren't I special to you?"

"You're a boy, you've never been special to me."

Nene looked down to her desk in fear as two of her friends kept on blabbering insults to one another.

"I love Nene-chan first."

"I love her more than you."

"I love her infinite times more than you."

"I'd give her the Eiffel Tower."

"I would die for her."

After a few minutes on that debate, Aoi wins in a total of 100000000 points.

And on the second day, they got married.

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