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"Stay back, Yashiro-san!" Glancing at the girl in the corner, he breathed out as he saw her nodding her head and run towards somewhere safer. He glanced at No. 7 who seems to be having a difficult time with the apparition they're dealing right now, what trouble. Kou can't seem to approach it too.

"Hey! Hey! Over here you disgusting ghost!" The boys looked over at Nene in shock, who was throwing rocks at the ghost to make it look towards her. Of course, she succeeded on distracting it. "Now go! Exorcist it Kou-kun!"

Obliging to her request, he ran fast towards the filthy ghost. Its multiple eyes stared at the running Exorcist and before it could attack, Kou electrified it.

"Yes! We got it!"


Kou widened his oceanic eyes, the ghost feeling angrier than ever, it threw Kou on the other side of the room.

Right, he forgot.

Kou is weak, after all. He can only exorcise small and weak ghosts.




The trio shouted worriedly, Hanako went flying towards the unconscious younger Minamoto.

While that, the ghost quickly regained its form and energy. Letting out a loud gutteral growl and lunge towards Nene.

"Yashiro-san!" His reflexes faster than his brain, he clicked his stopwatch and time stopped. The orange haired male breathes heavily, looking at his hand. His thoughts scattered everywhere.

Why had he stopped time for her? She had plenty of time and space to get out of there. It wasn't an emergency, the monster was slow, she could run faster than it.

His eyes trailed towards lord 7th, Hanako's face full of worry and shock. His emotions must be going haywire, mostly fear. His assistant was going to get attacked after all.
Hanako cared that much for Nene.

While Akane only sighed. He quickly ran towards Nene and picked her up in his arms, running away from the unmoving ghost.

For some unknown reason, he had the urge to resume time again for Nene to experience in his arms. She was light, he wanted to know if she was comfortable. If she was, he's going to cuddle with her most of the time.

Shaking his head, he tried to drown out those intrusive thoughts. A small blush forming on his cheek, he wanted to hide his face and only Nene can see his embarrassed state.

Speaking of embarrassing, he embarrassed himself again. They were in the middle of a battle! Akane shouldn't think of these things. He felt real stupid.

Setting Nene down, he clicked his stopwatch and witnessed everything moving again.

The ghost crashed into the wall, knocking it off as it fell to the ground.

"Yashiro! Get ou- oh." Hanako blinked in surprise, trying to spot his assistant until he noticed her with Akane. He sighed in relief.

While Nene was left confused but soon put the pieces together. "Uh, thank you Akane-kun. But I can get out of there myself if you didn't know." He only clicked his lips, can't she see that he saved her?

"Don't mention it, anyway Pres is gonna be here any second now to exorcise that ugly. We just have to hold it off." He said, not sparing her a glance as he walk towards the apparition. "Oh, and take Minamoto-kouhai to the infirmary. You shouldn't be here any longer."

Without hesitation, Nene quickly ran towards the underclassman with worry on her features. Upon arriving, Hanako gave her a small hug before going to aid Akane.

Akane watched Nene ran off with Kou as she struggled. He smiled a bit.

"Watch where you're looking, perv."

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