a new lifetime

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Nene groggily woke up. Her hand went up to her throbbing head to ease up the pain. Slowly opening her eyes, she found herself in a fancy, beautiful room she doesn't recognize of.

She panicked, quickly got out of the bed and went to the door to find it locked.
The girl looked around and ran past to a mirror decorated with jewels.
She stopped and look at herself.

..she still looked the same.

Nene sighed frustratingly, went to the window and open the long curtains.
She open the window and looked down which Nene immediately went inside the room.

Damn the floor she was in is pretty far from the ground.

Nene created a loud thud when she backed away from the terrifying height. Which it caused her to hear footsteps outside the door.

Nene panicked again and closed the window and curtains back to its place.

The door slammed open to reveal several servants with a few knights that followed behind.

"Your Highness, are you alright?!" One of the servants screamed worriedly. Nene stared at her dumbfounded.

Your Highness? Suddenly, a handsome young looking lad came in the room with a stoic face he wore. An orange hair that perfectly matches the sunset, and yep that's enough describing things.

Nene stared in awe at the lad's face. Which the young man look down at her with no facial expressions.

"We greet your Highness! The crown prince!" Everyone in the room greeted. Except for Nene who is still confused about the generation.

This 'Crown Prince' hummed in response and still stared at Nene with a smirk. He kneeled down at her level, grab her chin and made her look at him directly in the eyes.

Nene was sure she heard gasps in the room.

"All of you, leave." Everyone in the room nodded and scurry away from the two.

"Now," Nene flinched at the crown Prince's sudden serious and deep voice. "Why were you out of bed my betroth?"




"B-b-b-betroth?!" Nene screamed in surprise. She was still 15 years old! She didn't remember being married to someone! And why does he look like Akane?!

"Yes Nene-chan. Don't tell me you forgot again?" The orange haired boy glared angrily at her, upset that the one he loves forgot about their marriage.

Nene, who didn't want to angry the Crown Prince anymore, shook her head no.

The boy smirk. "Good girl."

( i internally screamed for 2 mins )

Nene squeaked at the name, but immediately thought about his name.

Yeah, what is his name?

She didn't wanna ask him since he looks more than angrier than before now.

Wait, he looked like Akane-kun.. So I'll try calling him Akane-kun too?  Nene thought and open her mouth.


Silence filled the room.

"Yes dear?" The girl happily cheered herself for getting it right! But why does he paused for a moment?

"U-uhm.." Nene stopped talking when she felt a big hand on her head.

"It's the first time I've heard you call me by my name. I guess having you to eat that cake was a good idea after all."

Wait. Isn't this the romance book Nene read a few days ago?


sorry it was kinda rush.

im rly am sorry.

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