the little sister

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"Say hi, Akane-kun. This your new baby sister, Nene-chan." Little Akane glared at the girl younger than him, crossing his arms, he huffed.

"Hello." And walked away, just like that.

He always hated this.. adoptive sister of his. He didn't want siblings. He was fine by himself.

And yet the little annoying rodent has always stick by his side like a glue. Not leaving him alone made him irritated. Giving her hints that he want her to be out of his sight didn't seem to be working.

She's an incredibly naive and stupid child.

He could kill her if he wanted.


"Big brother!" His eyebrow twitched and turned around, a book tightly trapped in between his forearm and armpit.

"What?" He hissed harshly, eyes narrowing as a signal to get the hell away from him.

But she didn't seem to notice it. "I was just wondering if you wanted to play with me?" Her eyes begged for him to play with her, but he just scoffed and turn away.

"Aren't you 7 already? You're old enough to not play with toys. Plus, I'm busy." His words seem to send a sharp pain in the girl's chest, Nene looked down and nodded sadly.

"I understand, bro-"

"Don't call me brother."

The girl gulped, holding back her tears as she tightly gripped the hem of her polka dot dress. "Yes, young master."

Akane sighed and walked away from his adoptive sister. Someone had to teach her manners and he surely don't wanna volunteer.

[10 years later]

"Y-young master?! What are you doing?!" Nene screamed as her own brother pinned her down onto her bed. Wide, surprised, and shock written across her beautiful feature.

"Shush. You don't want the servants to hear us, don't you?" He whispered huskily, his grip tightening around her wrist.

"What are you talking about?! This is inappropriate! Don't do this, young master!"

"Call me brother." Nene looked at the boy, thinking about how he'd gone crazy. "I want you to call me brother again." His lips pressed against her cheek. "Please?"


"You're crazy! Disgusting, get off of me! Didn't you hate me?! Just leave me alone!" She thrashed violently, wanting to get away from her brother.

"Hate you?" She screamed out in pain as he snap her left wrist. "Hate you, huh." Nene sobbed, clutching the broken wrist. While Akane sat up and stared at her with blank eyes.

He hummed. "Yes, I remember hating you but.." He smirked as he saw Nene flinch under his gaze. "I also remember feeling lust towards you when we first met." He lowered himself and he cupped her cheek, wiping the tear. "I remember wanting to take you away. Away from everything, I remember the desire to make you mine."

He licked the her tear-stained cheek as goosebumps crept up to her spine. Pushing him off with her other hand, she stayed at the opposite side of the bed, away from him.

"Get away.." She whispered weakly, feeling exhausted from the pain she's in. "Don't come closer, please."

Akane sighed.

She really is pathetic.

"But my little sister always wanted to play with me right? She always stick by my side, always annoying me, always saying nonsense. Always looking at me with adoration." Akane put his hand on her ankle, slowly sliding it upward towards her thigh. "Let's play, shall we? I miss those days when we were young."

"You weren't even there for me."

"Oh I was. I was always watching you, wishing I was the grass you always sit upon."

That's creepy as shii

He slowly brought his face closer to hers, Nene closed her eyes in fear, not wanting to witness anymore on her brother's face. His minty breath grazed on her skin. Cold lips pressed against her shoulder and neck.

"I was always dreaming this day to come. I waited til I turn 18." He kissed her jaw. "But now.." He kissed her lips. "My dream has come true." He kissed her ear. "And there's no way I'm gonna back up."

Nene whimpered, feeling helpless. She couldn't push him away, her hand broken, her other hand being held tightly by him as he kissed her in different places on her neck and face.

Maybe someday she'll escape.

Once he's dead.

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