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Third person's pov

YEAH, RIGHT IT WAS VALENTINES DAY. THE DAY FOR couples to supposedly be lovey-dovey. But, oh well..

It wasn't just the day for the both of you. Though you were expecting for him to act sweet just for once, but jokes on you he would never be sweet to you, ever.

Just as you were about to give him homemade chocolates you saw him kissing, your bestfriend. On your desk.

How thick can his face be? He cheated on you with your bestfriend and also making out on your desk. ON YOUR DESK.

They both stopped what they were doing.. and Yui.. your friend hurriedly covered her exposed non-existent chest. You scoffed and glared at him with the most deadly glare you could muster.

"(Name).... I—"

"Oh shut your dirty cheating ass mouth up." You raised a finger, stopping him from talking any further. "I don't need to hear your explaining.. seeing this was enough."


"I said shut the fuck up or I'll plant a fucking bullet down your throat." again, you raised a finger. "I've been in this situation for a couple of times. Even if you explained, nothing will change. If you beg for forgiveness, nothing will change. Even saying that you'll 'never do this again' nothing will ever fuckin' change. A cheater will always be a cheater. Get that in your thick skull."

As you turn your back to leave, you felt something on your hand. The homemade chocolates. You look back to them to see they shamelessly continued kissing. Disgusted by the sight, you harshly threw the wooden box of homemade chocolate in his head. Yui looked at you having the guts to glare at you but you flipped her off and forming a word "slut" with your mouth. Her face reddened with anger as you just chuckled and waved them off.

"He's lucky he even got the homemade chocolates. You should've just given them to me."

"Oh shut up, Loki." you rolled your eyes at him while he just chuckled.

"I'm just kidding. By the way, how do you feel? Now that you've broken up with him." he asked while walking beside you.

"To be honest? I don't feel anything." she giggled "In fact, I knew this day would come. I've been observing the both of them since last week. Also, I was satisfied throwing that wooden box of.... chocolate."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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