M E R A // I V A R

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"Mera..." Ivar's voice playfully called out to the black haired young woman who seemingly had disappeared into thin air. He used his crutch to get around before he entered the great hall, it was dark and empty, there was no sounds immediately penetrating his ears until he stopped walking and held his breath listening carefully. When he heard the quiet breathing of his friend, he let out a small laugh. "Mera, I can hear you breathing."

Stepping out from the shadows, Mera smiled as she approached her friend, letting her finally see her and stepping into the small amount of light cast from the open door. Ivar took in her appearance for a moment, she was unlike all the other women in Kattegat, her dark hair and eyes making her stand out against all the blondes in his home town. 

"I thought it would take you much longer to find me," she spoke with a grin on her lips. 

He looked at her with a somber look, "I need you to leave Kattegat." Ivar had never requested such a thing before but hearing he saying those words, Mera knew he was serious.

She tucked her hair behind her ears as she looked at him, "I know my sister has angered you but..." she sighed as she looked away from him, her eyes looking at her own hands which she pulled her sleeves over. "Where do I go?"

Ivar groaned as he pulled her chin up so he could see her face, "Anywhere." He held her face gently, "You need to leave tonight. Come to see me at midnight."

"And if I don't?" She asked as she pulled away from his touch. 

"Mera, I like you," he told her. "But you stay in Kattegat and you will face the same fate as your sister." Ivar was honest in his intentions. "I would not want any harm to come to you."

He didn't speak nor give her time to ask any more questions before he turned and started to leave. 

Standing in the middle of the great hall, all Mera could do was watch him walk away as she decided on what her fate would be. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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