chapter 3: now it begins

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You know what's my excuse already, so let's just get on with it.






Y/n's pov.

Y/n: "hah goteemmm..."

Y/n: "haha...ha......ha..."

I was laughing at my extremely very funni joke. Though that soon ended when i see i'm an unfamiliar room.

Y/n: "where am i?"

The room itself looked like a child's room. A toy basket in the corner with a bunch of toys in it, a bed that's the size of a kid and a small desk drawer that is next to it.

Y/n: "huh so this is where i got reincarnated in? Some sort of child's room, seriously...?"

Then a thought came to my mind. A thought so horrorfying, so dreadfull.

That it shook me to my very core.

I was petrified at that thought.

I look at my hands to see they are smaller.

Y/n: "dont tell me..."

I look to the side to see a mirror

I rush to the mirror in the corner, hoping to god that i am not what i think i am.

Once i get there i look into it to see.

I am a kid once again


Y/n: "why must i lose the 50/50! Why god!?"

I sit on the floor, lay down, and cry.

Cube: "c'mon master dont cry, because you still got me."

I begin to cry even more.

Cube: "well that's not nice."

After laying on the floor crying for 10 more seconds i get myself up and dry my tears off of my face.

Cube: "well that wasn't too hard was it?"

Y/n: "i guess, but i'm still sad. And how do you even see me?"

Cube: "i dont exactly see you, i can just see through your eyes. And now that i look at it, you've changed quite a bit master"

Y/n: 'didn't i tell you not to call me that like 20 minutes ago?'

I look more closely to the mirror to see the cube is right

Y/n: "well now that i look at the mirror more closely... my hair is grey-ish now?

I put my hand on my hair and put my hair infront of my face

Y/n: "huh... it really is grey now. And my eyes are blue. Sigh well i guess this is the new me now."

Y/n: "well atleast i didn't get reincarnated as some hobo in the streets i guess... though i dont want to go back to that hell hole called school..."

Sighing in defeat knowing i'll go there if i like it or not.

Cube: "dont worry master, you did it once i'm sure you can do it again"

Y/n: "that's what i fear. Going through it again. Oh and before i forget what do i call you?"

Cube: "hmm. I dont really have a name so. You can just call me cube."

Y/n: "very creative name choice there. Anyways where are you?"

a new life, a new adventure. (hololive x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now