chapter dos: the reincarnation

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Yo, how's your day goin'? Good? Aigh't. I ain't gon' waste your time anymore so enjoy!





Y/n's pov.

Y/n: "... what...?"

Calli: "yeah, you heard me right. You get another chance at living, so be gratefull."

I stare at her dumbfounded, i mean she is the GRIM REAPER. She's suppose to lead peoples souls to heaven or hell right? But she is apperantly giving me another life?!

Y/n: "wait a fricking minute here. Whatchu' mean i can have 'another chance at living'?"

Calli: "like what it means, a reincarnation you should say."

Y/n: "oh wow..."

Calli: "wow. You sound awfully not so gratefull."

Y/n: "i mean it's not that i'm not gratefull, it's more that i am shocked, shocked on how YOU the GRIM REAPER is making a random guy that got ran over by a car cus he tripped, reincarnate."

Calli: "good you're gratefull at least. Though you need to work on your attitude."

Y/n: 'wow. She really just ignored everything i just said.'

Y/n: "wait, why are you even doing this? Why the reincarnation?"

Calli: "it was something death sensei thought to do because he was bored, and then this became a tradition i guess."

Y/n: "wait if that is how it goes. How long have you guys been doing this?"

Calli: "for a couple millenias"

Y/n: "... alright... how many people have you made reincarnate before me?"

Calli: "atleast 1 or 2 million. I dont know, i gave up counting it after the first millenia."

Doing a mental sigh, i accept the reincarnation that is gonna happen.

Y/n: "so. What kind of world am i gonna reincarnate in? As in like fantasy world modern, y'know something like that."

Calli: "basically your world but everyone has powers and some people are demi-humans."

Y/n: "simple enough. So what's the ultimate feat im supposed to do? Am i gonna kill a demon lord that's gonna destroy humankind or something?"

Calli: "nah, basically your normal life but with powers and anime waifus."

Y/n: "ah. So basically, you just want me to have another chance at life?"

Calli: "basicalli."

Y/n: "Wait... what about my old world, y'know my friends, larry in specific."

Calli: "hmm... well i guess they will just live out there normal lives but without you."

Y/n: "wow. Talk about straightforward."

Calli: "seriously though, they will most likely be sad, especially larry, you and him have been the bestest of friends since childhood and you always hangout with eachother when you get the chance."

Calli: "remember that one time when u 'accidentally' deleted his save file on a game for an april fool's joke? and then he got mad at you the whole day and decided to not talk to you."

Calli: "but after that day you were best friend's again. Do you remember that?"

Y/n: "yeah... good times... wish i could relive those again..."

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