chapter 1: start of a new life...

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Yo! Sup folks. Well this is it, the awaited rewrite of quite a bizzare day.

Do hope you enjoy my friends. Well i wont trouble you all any further so.

Let get to it shall we?





??? Pov.

I was walking down one of the hallways to get to death sensei's room to see what he has assigned me to do
'i hope it wont be stupid this time...' i say as i remember him calling for me just so i could deliver him his cookies.

I open death sensei's door to see him on his throne of sorts, he seems to be sleeping too. I was a little annoyed on how he decided to sleep even though he called someone over to come to his room.

???: "*sigh* hey."

he stirred a little in his sleep but not enough for him to wake up. I decided to speak louder to wake him up

???: "Hey."

He still is sleeping. At this point my patience was ticking down fast.

???: "OI!"

And just like that he stumbled awake falling down his throne and onto the floor.

Death sensei: "Hey! What you shouting about for?" He said annoyed

???: "i couldn't get you to wake up, so i just shouted for you to wake up."

He get's up from the floor and pats his butt and back and sit back on his throne

Death sensei: "alright. Wait why are you here?"

And he already forgot... i do a mental facepalm.

???: "*sigh* you called me here remember?"

He puts his hand to his chin and massage's it

Death sensei: "wait i did?"

???: "Yes. You did." I say deadpanned

Death sensei: "i did...? Oh wait i remember now! So the reason i called you here is i want you babysit the new grim reapers."



???: "Yeah no, good luck"

i proceed to walk away and head straight for the exit.

Death sensei: "wait! I have an offer."

He says a little desperate.

???: "i'm listening..."

i stop walking away and listen on what he has to offer.

Death sensei: "You wont see that phoenix girl for a week. What was her name again? Something rhyming with tiara?"

I turn around and walk towards him stopping in front of him

???: "you got yourself a deal."

I put out my hand for him to shake and he shakes it

Death sensei: "oh, now that i just remembered it. Do you know that one thing we do every few decades?"

???: "Yes."

I say as i raise my brow, eager to know where he's getting at

Death sensei: "well it's that time again."

???:"Is it already that time? Wow time really does fly by."

He let's out a soft chuckle to which i raise my brow at

a new life, a new adventure. (hololive x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now