Atlas' Sexuality

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Atlas stared at himself in the mirror. His swallowed and touched his heart. Everyone in his year were currently talking only about coming of age and how the only way to mature was through certain interactions. He looked down at himself.

Was there something wrong with him? He had tried to learn everything he could about this topic, but everything he learned made him more detached. Atlas jumped away from the mirror when the classroom door creaked open. Riley walked into the room carrying a thick stack of papers.

"Attie. I didn't realize you were here, otherwise I would've brought some cocoa." she smiled.

Atlas bowed his head, "No, no, Riley. It's fine."

Riley slowed to a halt and tilted her head in confusion and concern. Her expression laxed into a more severe look.

"Oh, Attie." she set the papers down on a desk close to her. Sitting down in the seat, she gestured for Atlas to approach her. Atlas did slowly and Riley took his hands in hers, "Attie. Just because other people say you need to do those things, doesn't mean you have to them."

Atlas looked at her, "But-"

Riley smiled, "Some people are just different. When people get to be a certain age, they always realize certain things about themselves that can be scary to admit or face. There are occasions where it's easier for some, but difficult for others."

"How so?" Atlas asked.

Riley sighed, "Well, your sister, for example. She has a simpler sexuality, but she was terrified of coming out."

Atlas stared up at Riley, "Sexuality? You mean, there are other people who feel like I do?"

Riley smiled and squeezed Atlas' hands, "Of course there are. Just so you know, I can keep a good secret." she winked, "You don't have to feel any pressure to say anything. Hell, for all I care, you can keep this a secret for as long as retirement, if you want."

Atlas smiled and wrapped Riley in a hug. Riley hugged him back.

"You're welcome, kid." she whispered.

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