Becca Had an Eventful Night

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Lorcan: You look exhausted.

Rebecca: (looks up from her plate) I've got the worst role here.

Lorcan: You're a Head Girl. You so many privile-

Rebecca: Last night, Ally knocked my door and said her brother's dead in the toilet.

Lorcan: Frankie? Dead in the toilet?

Rebecca: (nodding) Dead in the toilet! I told her oh my god, so I go down the corridor and she show me Frankie, and it looks like he's dead in the toilet!

Lorcan: Let me guess. You called for McGonagall?

Rebecca: (nodding) Told her, Frankie Longbottom's dead in the toilet. McGonagall shows up and Frankie wakes up and starts throwing violently all the place. McGonagall said we get Madam Pomfrey and Frankie said DON'T get Madam Pomfrey and I said we should REALLY get Madam Pomfrey.

Lorcan: Did you?

Rebecca: We didn't get Madam Pomfrey. Then, Frankie got into fight with McGonagall, and she gave him a detention slip and then he tore it up in her face.

Lorcan: Frankie?!

Rebecca: Yes. And this happened 4:30 in the morning.

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