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You know why. You can't help but feel mad at it.

Like, you're reading a book, then it suddenly gets intense, next page.

-To be continued...

You know why the fuck I'm ranting about this shit.

Especially when it's the good part, you're about to find out the answer and then there it goes again.

Another shitty cliffhangers.

But as an author, it makes me so goddamn happy to see my readers explode.

Like, they say,

"Update! That goddamn cliffhanger right there!"


"I'll kill you if you don't update! There's a cliffhanger!!"

It makes me smile, that they wouldn't fucking know what comes next, no one else, except the maker itself.

Cliffhangers. It's another love hate relationship.

Rants of an Otaku FangirlWhere stories live. Discover now