Non-Anime Lovers.

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Please. Just respect us.

Like, they think it's cartoon, Korean style.

Yes. I said Korean.

I have this (fake) friend, me and my (real) friends love to tease her.

I formed a group chat of her and my other friends, because I'm too lazy to switch chats. Now let's call my friend Syth, cause that's her real name. And the fake friend, well, uh, Nyt.

Syth: Do you watch anime?

NYT: eww! No, its weird, those weird cartoons.

Me: It's not cartoons.

NYT: pfft, I don't care! It's weird, and I don't like it.

Syth: well then fuck you bitch.

NYT: Excuse me?!


NYT: well then to you too! Right Anika?

Me: uh, no, I love anime.

She then storms out, everytime she came back me and my (real) friends tease her, especially Syth, since she hold a grudge.

NYT: I kinda miss Syth too, especially Aqua

Lol. My friends internet account is Aquabreeze, since she didn't want to bea pled by her name like that, she said Aqua.

Well anyway, those Non-Anime Lovers. Are getting on my nerves. I wanna just tell them.

"Do you wanna live in the Cemetery now?"

So to my (real) friends who has Wattpad, I believe you all remember;

NYT NYT person.

We even used another language, and told her it was a chain messege for groups, but we were actually cussing at her.

Oh memories XD

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