⚡️ Chapter Two ⚡️

Start from the beginning

"Here. Take my hand." Mikasa instructs, holding her hand out to me.

I grab her hand and stand up. "Thank you, Mikasa."

She nods. "No problem."

"What do you suppose that was?" Armin asks, also holding his head.

"I don't know." Eren replies, looking down an alleyway.

There were men and women running toward the center of town, saying that the sound had come from where they were running.

Armin starts running down the alleyway to follow where all the other people were running.

"Armin!" I run after him.

"Hey!" Eren yells. "What are you two doing?!" I just assumed that him and Mikasa started running after us.

It wasn't long until Armin and I reached the town square and saw the horrifying sight that everyone else here was seeing.

"Talk to me!" Eren exclaims, now arriving beside us. "What's going on?! Some kind of explosion or-" I'm guessing he finally saw what we were seeing.

On top of the wall, there is the hand of a Titan just resting there with smoke emitting from it. I'm so scared right now. I don't think I'll be able to run away, if anything else were to happen.

"No! That's impossible!" Armin exclaims. "That wall's fifty meters high!"

"I-It's obviously possible, seeing as there is a hand resting there!" I reply.

"Oh God..." Eren gasps, as the Titan's face appeared above the wall. "It's a Titan..."

Suddenly, giants rocks, which are practically boulders, begin dropping all over town, crushing houses and...people.

I stumble back, falling onto the ground, where Armin is too. "T-This can't be happening. I-I mean, we were just talking about it and now...it's actually happening..."

"It...it blasted a hole." Armin notes. "As if it were kicking a rock..."

Titans begin flooding the area, causing people to start screaming and running like their lives depended on it, which it does now.

Armin helps me off the ground. "Come on! We have to get out of here!"

I see Eren walking towards the Titans. "Eren! No! What are you doing?!"

I can't even hear what Eren is saying because of all the screaming that's going on around us. Soon, Mikasa runs after Eren.

Armin reaches out to her. "Mikasa!" His hand starts shaking, so he pushes it down with his other hand. "This...this is the end. We-" He gulps. "Every last one us are going to be devoured!"

I let out a shaky breath. "Armin, we can't worry about getting eaten right now! Our first priority is that we need to find Grandpa and get to the boats like all these Garrison Cadets are ordering us to do!"

I grab him by his shoulders. "You hear me?! If we do that, we could make it out of this alive! No...we will make it out of this alive!"

He nods shakily. "Yeah...yeah, you're right. Let's go find Grandpa and go get on a boat!"

So, we started running toward our Grandpa's house, which was thankfully the opposite way from where the titans were coming in at. After we find Grandpa, we're getting on a boat with him. I can only pray that Eren and Mikasa will be able to join us on the boat or be able to get on another one.


"Armin, Y/n. You two best have a seat." Grandpa suggests.

Thankfully, we found Grandpa and he was safe, so we all made our way to the boats and are now sitting on one. It's really crowed, because of all the people they're loading on here.

"We will." Armin replies. "We're just keeping an eye out for our friends."

"I hope they're okay..." I look back out at the crowd of people trying to get on the boat and once I do, I see Eren and Mikasa about to get on. "Armin, they're right there!"

Armin whips his head around and starts to call out to them, but I bring his hand down. Eren looked as though he'd seen death up close...he probably had.

The smile on my face quickly turned into a frown. "Eren..."

"I wouldn't try calling out right now." Grandpa suggests. "Give 'em their space. God only knows what they've just seen..."

"Ok, Grandpa..." I step down off my seat and sit down next to Armin, who was still standing.

I gently tug on Armin's sleeve, making him look down at me. "Just sit down. We'll go find Eren and Mikasa later..."

He nods. "Right..." He steps down and sits down in between Grandpa and I.

I'm guessing that Eren and Mikasa ran back to their house and they saw their mother get eaten. I doubt Dr. Jaeger was there, since he probably left to go to someone's house to treat them. I mean, he is a doctor.

Suddenly, the people that are not on the boat start yelling and shouting, asking why they're not letting anyone else on.

"I'm sorry!" A member of the Garrison apologizes. "This boat is at full capacity! Roll out!" The boat starts moving along the cable lines above us.

I turn around in my seat and sit on my knees to view the town that was once Shiganshina. There's smoke emitting from all over and there's fire in multiple places. We have no home anymore, and there's no way we can save it either.

Out of no where, a Titan comes bursting through the wall. It looks different from other Titans. It looks like it has armor on. That's very terrifying to know.

I bring my hands to my head. "Our home...it's gone. We're never going to be able to go home again..."

"Don't dwell on that thought." Armin gets out of his seat and drags me out of my seat and gently pulls me behind him. "Let's go talk to Eren and Mikasa."

I walk to keep up with him. "Ok."

They weren't far from us. It took no time for us to spot the two of them. Eren seems upset, as he's now walking towards the side of the boat.

Armin is quick to grab his shoulder. "What's wrong? Do you see something?"

Eren roughly shoves Armin's hand off his shoulder and grips the railing of the boat.

"Eren-" I start.

"I'm going to put a stop to this!" Eren exclaims in a scary tone. "I'll kill them all! Every last one!"

"Eren..." Armin says softly.

Now that Eren has definitely made up his mind in wanting to kill every living titan, there's no way anyone is going to talk him out of becoming a Scout.

A/N: Hey, cadets! So, the Colossal Titan and Armored Titan have broken into Wall Maria and has caused panic throughout Shiganshina.

Anyways, I love writing them as kids, but I want to get to when they join the Training Camp. I can't wait until I get there. I hope you all enjoyed. Bye, cadets!

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