I turn back to Katie to see that her mouth was still wide open which makes me shake my head. "Lara," I put a hand on her shoulder to grab her attention before I explained to the both of them about what Francis told me on our way to the next class. 

By the time we got to our seats, Lara was still a little doubtful but decided to accept it while Katie's eyes started to gleam, telling me that she was up to no good in that mind of hers. I chuckled at the thought and shot an apologetic look at Francis who just smile at me before his friends arrived and his smile faded. 

I sat down in time for when the teacher arrived and noticed me. "Ah, Amelia, nice of you to come in, wouldn't want your attendance to drop to match your mother's." She commented casually before starting the lesson but her comment made my eyebrows furrow. 

My mother had bad attendance? The teacher was an elderly woman who I had no doubt about teaching my mother but her having that sort of reputation came as a shock to me because I was told my mother always had good grades which don't match up. 

Thoughts consumed me as the class went on as it always did, the only difference would be Francis' friend group laughing at me from the back of the class, probably also seeing Francis and I's interaction from afar. It didn't bother me much though, I knew their nature, almost used to it. 

When the class was over and the next one followed, it all went on as usual. It bored me but I was in no rush for it to finish. I was still dreading going home, unsure of what it would be like, what I would have to face, worrying that things would never be the same again. I knew that uncle Xavier explained the situation to me but was he right? If he was, I said things to my father which I didn't know if he would forgive and I had been ignoring them so there was that behaviour as well. 

I couldn't help but just wish I hadn't seen it at all, that I could go home and into my mother's arms as childish as that sounded. I wanted comfort but I didn't want to go home. 

Unfortunately for me, the day ended soon. 

I bid my friends goodbye, and they told me we still had things to discuss and that they would text me later. As I walked away I could hear Katie express how her ship could still potentially sail again which made me roll my eyes in amusement. 

I started walking towards the bar, I knew I wasn't ready to go home yet and I was hoping I could think of a solution while playing poker, the only thing which keeps my mind distracted and cool. 

I walked in the double doors, it was less crowded than usual tonight which I thought nothing of, it was a week day after all. Greeting my usual group, I sat down in my seat and was dealt my cards. I had a thousand dollars I could blow so I wasn't too worried. 

The games started smoothly, strategies being played out, emotions being kept secret or read. I was warmed up and getting through, feeling better already. I won my first couple of games, a grin spreading on my face. It wasn't until I felt someone looming over my shoulder when that routine was broken. "You're back," I hear the familiar voice say and I glanced slightly to see the build I had somehow recognised. 

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked back nonchalantly although our last encounter did spring back in my head. 

I could sense him putting his hands in his pockets as if surprised by my answer. "Not going to look at me, darlin'?" He asks which makes me smirk. 

"I'm not a fan of looking up at people, take a seat," I order and he seems hesitant but grabs one regardless. Just as he sits down, one of the men yells out,

"Arg! Haha! Another one to you Princess! You are steaming tonight!" 

As I grin in victory, "Must run in the family," I hear Prince mumble under his breath but I ignore it. After a sigh, he then calls, "Throw me a hand!" Which I wasn't expecting but was excited nonetheless. 

"How much you in for?" I ask, expecting somewhere between the ranges of 20-50 but he surprises me by answering,

"How about $500?"

Hearing that, a lot of the men pulled out of the game but excitement brewed in me. We started with one chip, continuing on to three the next round. It went on until it was only Prince and I left, putting in $2000 and were just about to put down our cards when,

"I would have thought that our kiss would have kept you away until you begged me for more," 

He says with a smug look. The statement shook me for a moment, a mixture of embarrassment and heat rising to my cheeks. He saw my reaction and took the chance to reveal his cards, but once he did, I relaxed again. I looked into his eyes before putting down my hand. A Royal Flush.

"Sorry Prince, I don't beg." 

The Devil is in the Details (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now