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Just so you know, Samantha is Kaio's sister.  She's referenced as Sam later on.

Hana POV

Hana: Great.  Two weeks into the job, and I'm sent on a mission to find some "highly dangerous vigilante".  And to top it off, he happens to be using the same name as Kaio, so it's personal.  I don't know what he looks like, I don't know where to find him.  All I know is he's here in Busan, and-

There was an explosion a few blocks away, and smoke started rising over the roofs.

Hana: Found it...

I flew off in my mech towards the smoke, hoping that I would find the target there.

Kaio POV

Kaio: Of course he was lighting a FUCKING cigarette.  I wanted to fill the room with gas, not blow it up!  Dammit, now the cops are gonna be here, or even worse, Overwa-

There was a crunching sound as something large hit the pavement behind me.  I slowly turned around to face the one member of Overwatch I'd hoped to never run into.  My childhood best friend, Hana Song.  Better known as D.Va.

Hana: It's over, Leak.  I'm bringing you in, both for personal reasons and for my mission.

Kaio: Sorry, D.Va.  I can't allow that.

Smoke started gathering around me.  Hana looked around, confused as to where it was coming from.

Kaio: I don't blame you for not remembering me, D.Va, but I remember you... Hana Song.

That sealed it.  She aimed her plasma cannon at me, and fired.  I dodged most of the shots, but one hit me, burning away part of my jacket in the process.  I grunted in pain, holding my side.

Kaio: Well, this was fun.  I've gotta head out now.  Later, D.Va.

I closed the vents on my suit, and filled it with helium, floating into the air.  I reached a roof and dropped down, taking off.  I reached the warehouse I've been hiding out in and took off my mask, letting my white hair fall out.  This is the place that Hana and I used to spend time when we were kids.  I took off the rest of my suit, and wrapped up my ribs where I'd been hit by the plasma cannon.  Then I realized something.  Where is it?  Where's the picture?


Dammit, I let him get away.  I should stay here until I can bring him in, especially since he knows who I am.  He said I probably didn't remember him, but who was he...

Hana: Huh?

I dropped out of my mech, and knelt down.  There was a picture lying in the scraps of his jacket.  I picked it up and my eyes widened.  It's a picture of me and Kaio... The one that I'd given him.  That would mean that the vigilante...

Hana: K-Kaio...

Kaio POV

Great, now I have to hope that nobody found the picture, and go get it before-

Suddenly a bright light came through one of the windows, lighting up the room.  I quickly ducked behind my couch.

Kaio: What the hell...

Hana: Kaio, I know you're in there!

Kaio: How... shit, she must've found the picture.

The wall of the warehouse suddenly exploded, and D.Va's signature pink MEKA was standing there, with her sitting on top.  She jumped down and walked inside.  I put my mask back on, not wanting her to see my face... or at least what's left of it.  I stood up, turning towards her and she stopped.

Kaio: Great, you found me.  What do you want, Hana?

Hana: Kaio... what happened to you?

Kaio: It doesn't matter-

Hana: IT DOES!

I flinched at her sudden shouting.

Hana: You were my best friend... in fact, I had even stronger feelings for you than that.  Why did you stop talking to me?  I-I...

She started crying and I walked over and hugged her.

Kaio: I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have stopped contacting you.  It's just... you don't know what happened after you left, do you.

Hana: W-what?  What do you mean?  What happened?

Kaio: Three years ago, a few months after you joined MEKA, my sister and I were caught in a terrorist attack.  The one executed by Talon.  My sister and I almost escaped, but we were caught by him... Reaper.  Sam was in a coma for a year, and she no longer has a right arm.  I didn't get out unscathed either.

I sighed and unclipped my mask, taking it off.  Her eyes widened and she gasped.  Where my left eye should be, there's just a hole in my head, surrounded by warped and scarred flesh.  I quickly brought my mask back up to my face, but she grabbed my arm.

Hana: Kaio, please... I don't mind it.  I was just surprised, that's all.

Kaio: That's why I'm a vigilante.  Because I want him dead.

I sat down on the couch.

Kaio: If you have to take me in, then do it.  I'll get out anyways, and you can complete your mission.

She put her head down and thought for a moment, then smiled.

Kaio: What?

Hana: I have a better idea...

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