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It's crazy to think how much my life has changed in the past few months. From spending the summer with my family in our vacation house in Sainte-Croix-du-Verdon, returning to our apartment in Lille, to flying over the Atlantic Ocean towards the United States—more precisely, Boise, Idaho—, the last couple months have been packed.
The past year has not given me any chance to relax. To be honest, it has been quite stressful, among finishing high school and graduating, applying to universities, finding time to spend with my family and my friends. People often underestimate the difficulties we have to be able to handle everything. Nonetheless I believe I have successfully managed it, considering what lies ahead.

Ever since being in the US for a one-week school trip in 9th grade, my dream has been to go back, pretty much permanently. I was actually born in Chicago, but when I was two, my parents decided to move to France and I have lived there since then. Lille, the city I live in—lived in— always felt like home, but I always wanted to go back to the US. My goal was to study there in college. Even though my parents didn't take these news seriously at first, they still supported me. I think they always thought that I would want to live my entire life in France, which honestly wouldn't be that bad, but I just want to move onto greener pastures.

I did my entire education in France and graduated from high school with the highest honors. My parents and I started looking at universities in the US two years ago. They had at the end, realized that what I said coming back from this school trip, had actually become my life goal. I could not be grateful enough for everything they did for me. They helped me find the best universities in the country, filling out the twenty college applications, and unfortunately, getting refused a lot. But they never stopped believing in me and my capabilities, which gave me strength to go on.

March 21st was the day that determined my future. I was going to be studying in Boise for four years. I still can't believe it, even now, an hour away from landing at Boise Airport.
This trip has been exhausting. I had a first flight from Paris to New York that lasted 8 hours, and a second 8-hour flight towards Boise. I just really want to take a shower!


I pick up my three overpacked suitcases from the carousel before heading out to wait for my taxi. The sun is shining bright, and even though it is only 10 am,it is already hot. When my taxi arrives, I put my luggages in the trunk and get in. The ride to the dorms is only a few minutes long. I check in, get my key, and step into my university suite. I have had the chance to grow up in a wealthy family. My parents are not rich, but they had enough money to provide me with a single room.

The room is small, yet spacious. The walls are white, but I plan to cover them with pictures of my family and my friends. The desk and the bed frame are made of wood, and there is a large window, which opens out on a private backyard. The check-in assistant told me that I would be sharing a lounge and kitchen with three other mates, as well as a bathroom with my neighbor. I am the first one to be arrived, so I decide to unpack and settle before the others come.

By the time I finish settling in, I am starving but I go for a shower before finding something to eat.
I wash my long brown hair that got some gold highlights due to the sun this summer. I made sure to apply some sun protection hair spray everything single day, so I didn't have to chop off everything. I wash my body with my favorite lavender shower gel and get out of the shower. I apply some lotion on my body and put on some clothes. I usually pick something casual, so I pull on a pair of black leggings and a Boise sweatshirt that my big brother, Thomas, got me as a "funny goodbye gift" as he said. I probably am going to look like a Boise groupie, but I don't think any longer about it. I apply some face cream, curl my lashes (I absolutely cannot go out unless my lashes are curled) and put some chapstick and perfume on. I grab my purse, slip on my favorite white Converse and head out. It's a beautiful day on campus today. There aren't still that many students, but I am pretty sure they will all arrive throughout the weekend.

I walk along the streets, taking in my new environment. I like to just walk and listen to people talking, birds singing. I find it refreshing. I walk into a café and order a chicken bagel. I decide to eat the park next door to enjoy the weather. I find a bench, sit and start eating. Just then, my phone vibrates and I see my Mom's name on the screen.

"Hi Hazie, how are you dear? How was the flight? Is everything alright?" she says.
"Hi Mom, it's good to hear you. I am well arrived and settled in. I just picked up some food to eat at the park." I respond so happy to hear her familiar voice.
"Great! I'm happy for you. If you need anything or if something happens, call us. Don't forget to take some rest before school starts. I love you."
"I love you too, Mom. Say hi to Dad for me. Bisous." I end the call and resume eating. (AN: in France, 'bisous', translated literally to 'kisses', is used to say goodbye in a loving way)

The park is almost empty, just a family hanging out with their kids, a couple teenagers looking down at their phones, and some guy drawing on a paper pad lying on his lap. He is sitting on a bank a few feets away from me, his profile turned towards me. I can't see his face, but his sandy blond hair is short on the sides and longer on the top, strands hanging up his forehead. He has a black polo shirt, some beige pants and black sneakers on.
Typically I would go talk to him, since I am an outgoing person, but he seems so focused on what he is doing. Therefore I decide to pick up the book that I am currently reading. Reading is my heaven of peace, my comfort place. People of my age usually go out at night with friends in pubs or clubs, but I'd rather stay in my bed, with a good book and a tea... such a grandma!
I get lost in my book for a few hours before I pace my way back to the dorms.


Right when I arrive, I see three girls talking in the lounge area. They immediately spot me and run to me.
"Hi! you have to be the last mate on this floor. I'm so happy to meet you! I'm Grace," exclaims a blond girl with bright ice blue eyes. "This is Chloe," she says pointing at a straight black haired girl, "and this is Adelaide," she shows a brunette with warm brown eyes.
Chloe and Adelaide greet me and I wave in return.
"Hey it's nice to meet you all!" I retort excited. "I wasn't expecting to make your acquaintance today, but I'm thrilled! My name is Hazel."
"We actually arrived an hour ago and just finished settling in," Adelaide tells me. "By the way you can call me Addie."
I nod smiling. "So, do you guys know already each other?" I ask.
"Yeah we actually went to high school together," Chloe explains. "We met on freshman orientation and were inseparable ever since. We asked to be on the same floor in the dorms, and here we are! And you, where do you come from?"
"I come from France," I tell them and their mouths hang open.
"What? You come from France? Are your parents American, or do you have any relatives coming from here?" Grace asks shocked.
"Yes, my parents are American. I was actually born in Chicago. I decided to come back here for college."
"Wow, it's amazing! So, do you also have the French citizenship?" Chloe wonders.
I nod. "Yeah, I made the request last year when I turned seventeen. I just got the citizenship a couple months ago," I say.
"Oh my god, it's so cool!" Addie shouts. "So, what will you be studying this year?"
"I am majoring in English literature. I love reading and writing, so it seemed logical to me."

We spend almost two hours talking and chatting about our lives. I learn that Addie will study international business, that Grace wants to become a doctor and that Chloe will major in psychology. These girls are a breath of fresh air, always smiling amd willing to include me in their group. It makes me happy to know that I made some friends I can count on. I had some friends when I was in high school, but I never really considered them close. It was fun to hang out with them, yet I never felt like I could tell them everything and know that I could rely on them.

It is already 8 pm, so I tell them that I am going to bed. It is 4 am in France, and I don't understand how I still hold up with the time difference.

I brush my teeth, jump into bed and fall asleep, glad and grateful.
Thank you for reading the first chapter of my story! I hope you've liked it and that you will want to continue reading! Let me know what you thought about this first chapter.

I also wanted to apologize for the very certain mistakes that I make. English is not my native language (French is :)), so feel free to correct me if something is wrong!

-hlotilda <3

the beauty of my worldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant