"That guy is an asshole." Tiff tries to comfort me. "Don't let him get you down."

"He- he was s-so nice at the da-dance." I sob. "I don't believe that he was just trying to get into my pants." I look up at him.

Serenity looks at Tiff then back at me. "Something feels fishy here. I've heard people talk about Jason Smith and they've said that, well, yes he's major hot but I've heard grown ups talk about the Smith family and they're a group of very kind people. His little sister, Lily, is in our grade and I've heard that he is very protective of her. He cares a lot about her. I don't get why he would treat you, who is the same age as his sister, and a lot like her, like that. I'm pretty sure he would kill any guy who treated his sister like that. It just doesn't seem right. There's got to be something more going on." She stares up at the ceiling for a minute then grins at us. "Okay girl's. I know what we're going to do today." I see a glint of mischief in her eyes. "It's time to solve this mystery."

At 6th period we meet up in the choir room. We have a free period today and I know for a fact that the seniors have free period for 6th period. Most of them just hang out and talk and stuff.

"Okay." Serenity turns to Tiff. "Tiff, do you have the binoculars?"

Tiff pulls out three pairs of binoculars and hands one to each of us. "Um, Sere? I really don't get why we need these binoculars?" I turn to her but suddenly she goes still then pulls us behind a bunch of chairs, hissing, "Shh" as the door to the music room opens and five guys walk in. I notice Kyle leading the group. What's he doing here?

"He's late." He mutters. "Typical vampire."

"You called?" I know that voice. I look up to see Jason leaning against the door. My breath catches as I take in his gorgeous profile.

"You're late." Kyle growls.

"I'm sorry." His voice turns cold. "I didn't realize there was a set time. Considering the fact that I've already done what you wanted, I don't see why I'm needed here, wolf." Wolf? What does he mean by he's already done what Kyle wanted him to? I didn't even realize they were friends, my brother never really mentioned him before.

"No. All you did was make her sad. You weren't even supposed to talk to her." I swallow, realizing that by "her" he meant me. How dare they talk about me. My stomach flips as I see the pain in Jason's eyes. So he really didn't mean it. I look over to see Tiff and Serenity staring at the group, brows furrowed.

"I tried to. But she's persistent and telling her that was the only thing that I could think to do." I can hear the pain in his voice. "I didn't want to hurt her, I was just trying to make her not want to talk to me." He looks down at the ground. "It probably hurt me a lot more than it hurt her." Not true. I swallow, I barely know this guy but now everything about him calls to me. I just want to hug him right now, I can't stand the pain he's in.

Kyle laughs, coldly. "You act like she actually means something to you." He leans in close and I have to strain to hear what he says. "Listen here, bloodsucker. You are a cold, heartless corpse. You're not capable of feelings or love." He spats the word. Suddenly before I know what's happened Jason punches at Kyle's face but Kyle's already gone by the time his fist strikes where his face would have been a second ago. My jaw drops and I can see the other girls looking the same. Kyle laughs again. "You really think you're faster than me? You're nothing." He kicks Jason, catching him off guard and sends Jason flying. I have to bite my tongue to keep from screaming. "Remember: Stay away from Alice." He walks to the door then turns. "Or else. You know the penalty." Then he's gone. Without thinking, I try to jump up, but Tiff pulls me back just as the door opens again. I see a very pretty woman walk in.

"Jason. There you are." Her eyes narrow as she sees where he lies in a pile on the floor. "Oh, Jason. What happened?"

"It was those stupid wolves." He mutters, sounding angry. My heart aches as I watch him stand up, wiping his body off. He sighs. "Come on, Mom. Let's go." Oh, so that's his mom?

"What about that Alice girl you always tell me about?" She asks. "When can I meet her?"

"I don't know." He chokes up. "I don't think you'll ever be able to meet her. You heard the death sentence he gave me. I can never be with her." His words fade at the end of the sentence. I can hear how pained he sounds and it pains me to know how much it's hurting him.

"Oh, don't listen to those stupid wolves. I'm sure he won't try to kill you, and even if he did-" I never hear the rest of her sentence because the door shuts behind them, cutting her off. I just sit there, stunned. My knees pulled up to my chin.

"Wow." Serenity looks like she's seen a ghost. "Just… Wow." She looks at me. "Did you know?"

"What?" My voice comes out as a whisper.

"Did you know that Kyle was-" She swallows. "A werewolf?"

"What?" My head snaps up as I stare at her. I hadn't even thought about it. Although now that I think about it Jason did call him wolf. But Kyle called him a- No, that's not possible. I swallow.

"Didn't understand a word they said?" Serenity looks at me, surprised.

"Um, I wasn't really paying attention to that part. I was more of paying attention to the part where Kyle is threatening to kill Jason if he talks to me?" I shake my head. This is too much to take in.

"Yeah, me too." Tiff says for the first time since the guys left.

"Well girls, I think things will be a lot different now." Serenity looks between us. "Because we've just entered… A world of the supernatural."

Hi, Sequoia here. If you're reading this then yay for you :)

I know that I just uploaded like 4 chapters within 3 seconds but I haven't finished chapter 3 which will be in Jason's POV. I really hope you like it. Please give me feedback on what you think of the story so far!  I will upload asap! Thank you! Please vote, comment and enjoy :)

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