Chapter14:Yukkimian Death General

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Yzel POV

Yzel POV

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(Unmanned Mech Ranks:InfantryOperatorMajorSpecialistGeneral)

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(Unmanned Mech Ranks:

4.9 Thousand Advanced GNX-III armed with Aura Piercing Lance, Rapid Firing Assault Particle Rifle, Assault Particle Pistols, A Partial Particle GN-Shields (Rank:Infantry)

3.7 Thousand GNZ-004, Main purpose being emergency repairs and Suicidal Attacks with GN-Detonator powered by the GN-Drives, Also serves as a general scout (Rank:Infantry-Operator)

2.2 Thousand Graze, Main purpose being close Combat of Giant monsters, Powered by GN-Drive and used a Particle Enchanced Axe and Mid to Long Range Particle Rifle, And while it may not look it. The Graze actually perform great in underwater. Unlike the GN-X-III whomst particles get clustered. (Rank:Operator)

After the Infantry and Operators are Majors and Specialist basically? The Ace and main weapon or head of a Formation

After the Infantry and Operators are Majors and Specialist basically? The Ace and main weapon or head of a Formation

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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