Chapter 3

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Chapter three

Emmalynne's POV

I belived Justin and I over reacted just a little. And we walked out of my S.S class and we had missed my second hour.

We started dating and he took me to the dance. The next day was the first time we have had time to hang out, it was so much fun!

2 weeks later

I walked up to him and his friends and he acted like I was invisible. I'm so pissed I thought to my self. I walked up and slapped him with all the strength I could muster up, he fell to the ground and touched his throbbing face.

"Emmalynne what was that for" he groaned.

" for acting like I was invisible in front of your friends. I thought I was your girlfriend!" I said calmly

I heard one of his friends snicker at the last thing I said. I turned around and gave him a flirty look and he groped my boobs and I tried not to puke. Just as he did that Justin got up and starred at us for a second then jumped on his friend Bryson and continued to punch Bryson. He kept punching him till Bryson was knocked out. While it happened I was shocked then my mind caught up and I screamed at Justin to stop. I tried to push him off but it was like pushing a wall down. Once Justin stopped hitting him and got up I saw Bryson's blood smeared all over his face and it was lights out for me. I fainted.

3 days latter

I woke up and I didn't know where I was I looked over and saw Justin crying.

"What, why are you crying" I asked my voice horse. Right when I spoke he lifted his head from his hands, I saw his face red and puffy.

"Your awake!" He said so happy he jumped up and hugged me.

"Don't worry I will be there for you I might have to change my life but I want to be with you!" He said

I looked very confused at him.

"Where an I" I asked my voice stronger than before.

"Your in the hospital" he said

"Why" I asked confused.

" you passed out" he replied.

"Alright but why" I asked.

"You slapped me and yelled at me for thinking you we're invisible. Than my friend Bryson laughed when you said you were my girlfriend th-"

"Am I though" I said.

"Are you what?" He asked.

"Am I your girlfriend?" I replied.

"Yes, I love you" he said

"Than continue" I said.

"Than you started to try to make me jealous by flirting with Bryson. By the way you succeeded at making me jealous. Than he groped your boobs and I went crazy. I punched him till he passed out. I got up you saw the blood and then you fainted and would not come to. So I drove you t the hospital. Now I have to talk to you about something serious." He said

"About what?" I asked

Thanks for reading this is my first long book and I'm writing on my iPod so sorry for spelling and grammar errors.




If you fan me I promise I will fan you back!

Thanks- Emmalynne

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