Part 10 (1/3)

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Well shit. This wasn’t what you had planned on happening, and you wondered how you and Niall were going to work your way out of this one. Can I come over? Niall asked, So we can figure this out? Normally you would say no, but this situation was far more serious than anything else he’d gotten into. Alright, but park across the street and I’ll let you in through the window. While you waited for Niall to come back you changed into your pajamas and took off your makeup. As you looked in the mirror you realized the girl looking back wasn’t the same person she was two weeks ago. It was strange though; you didn’t mind that you had changed. Time seemed to crawl until finally you saw a shadow outside of your window. You raced across the room and let Niall in. The expression on his face was worried and you knew there wasn’t much you could to do calm him down. Once he was in your room, Niall began pacing back and forth, lifting his blue snapback up and down off of his head and tugging at his hair. “Okay,” you began, “you left your backpack at the party but are you sure the cops have it?” His eyes moved back and forth around the room as he sat on your bed. “I talked to one of Ryan’s friends and they said the cops went through everything…he got arrested for possession.”

                  You took a seat next to Niall on the bed and took his hand in yours. “I know you’re nervous and I am too but don’t worry, we’ll figure out a way to get out of this.” His gaze was fixed on the floor for a moment before looking up at you. “They’re gonna kill me.” It was sobering to see Niall this serious. Whenever there was an issue you were used to him telling you that it would be okay and that he would figure it out and that there was nothing to worry about. But he didn’t say that. And he wasn’t joking either. Your lips trembled as you tried to pick up the pieces of this situation. “They..they’re not gonna kill you Niall, they wouldn’t do that..” He let go of your hand and began to laugh. Not that anything was funny, but he was so out of his mind that there was nothing else he could do. “You don’t know what you’re talking about..They’ll kill me,” he explained standing up, “And they’ll make it look like an accident. They’ll drown me or hang me and write a suicide note and sign my name at the bottom.” He rested his face in his hands, “I have no idea what I’m gonna to do.”

                  It hurt to see Niall like this and for the first time you admitted to yourself that what you were dealing with potentially fatal. And for some reason, you blamed yourself. For a moment the two of you seemed to float in a disturbing silence, only broken raindrops that began to pelt against your window. You stood up and took a deep breath. You weren’t going to sit back and have Niall figure this out alone. “So you don’t have the drugs anymore, right?” Niall looked at you. “Obviously not.” “But you only lost what was in your backpack right?” He nodded. “And how much money did you lose?” Niall looked up at the ceiling as he counted in his head. “Like $2500.” Your eyes widened at the amount, which was much larger than you had thought. “Okay so all Andre is expecting from you is $2500 right?” Niall was getting impatient, “Yes, where are you going with this?” You smiled, “Then why don’t you just give him $2500 of your own money? He’ll never know that you lost the drugs, he just cares about the profit right?”

                  At first Niall furrowed his brow, but the more he thought about it, the more his facial expression relaxed. “You’re a genius you know that?” A smile formed and wrapped his arms around you roughly, but sweetly. This was a little new to you and moved your arms awkwardly so that they touched his muscular back. Niall had never hugged you before, and it felt different. But a good different. He smelled like sweat and cologne and you took a deep breath, letting his scent fill your nose. You exhaled slowly and looked up to see Niall smiling down at you. He placed a soft kiss on your lips before pushing you backwards on the bed. His eyelashes brushed against your face as he kissed you again, forcing his tongue into your mouth. Niall’s icy hands took on a mind of their own and slid up your shirt, making you shiver. He grinded his body against yours and you tangled your fingers in his hair. You could feel yourself getting lost in the kiss and pulled away slowly. “Niall,” you whispered. “It’s 2:30 in the morning. We have school tomorrow.” His big blue eyes showed a twinge of disappointment as he took his hands off of you and stood up. You adjusted your sweatshirt as he used the back of his hand to wipe his mouth. “Fine, fine. But don’t forget I have a rugby game tomorrow,” he smiled. “Gonna come cheer me on?”

Detention (Niall Horan One Shot Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ