Part 5

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‘So, what did you and Leah do last night?’ your mom asked as she poured herself a cup of coffee. You sat at the breakfast table distracted, constantly checking your phone for a new message from Niall. ‘Um, not much. We just watched a movie but I didn’t feel well so I came home..’ She shrugged. ‘Oh, okay. How was babysitting?’ You saw that Niall had texted you, and were eager to open the message. ‘Fine. Um I still feel kind of weird I think I’m gonna go lay down upstairs.’ You jumped out of your chair and ran up to your room. ‘Back to her cave again,’ your dad said laughing, ‘I tell you she is always up there.’ Your mom seemed a little less amused by your distance lately, but didn’t bother asking what you were doing up there. As soon as the door closed behind you, you opened the message. Meet me at Northwood Lake tonight around 10. It’ll be just me and you.

You were confused. Last night when you asked Niall to hang out together he said no and ditched you for a party, but now all of a sudden he wanted to see you? Alone? And besides why a lake? Um, I don’t know. It’s a Sunday night and I don’t really think my parents will let me meet you at a fucking late at 10 o’clock at night.  There were so many things wrong with this. Why couldn’t he just call you or wait to see you tomorrow at school? Are you seriously worried about your god damn parents again just figure something out okay? Easier said than done. Plus, you told your parents you were sick so there’s absolutely no way they were letting you out again. Sorry I really can’t do that tonight. Can you just call me or something? You imagined Niall pacing back and forth in his huge room, frustrated that his plans weren’t working out perfectly. No, I’m not gonna call you. Just work around them or something, can’t you do that? Or here’s an idea: sneak out. Yeah right. If your parents even thought that you were sneaking out they’d have your head. I honestly can’t, sorry. I told them I wasn’t feeling well anyway. I guess we can just talk tomorrow. That was the end of that. As much as you wanted to see him there was no real solution to this. Listen, I’m gonna see you tonight no matter what. Trust me. You texted him back saying that probably wasn’t going to happen, but he didn’t respond.

You called Leah and told her what he said, and she seemed skeptical. ‘A lake? No offense, Y/N, but that sounds kinda gay.’ You laughed, ‘I know I know I’m kind of confused. Last night he didn’t seem like he even wanted to be around me but now he wants to hang out just the two of us?’ Leah thought for a minute before she spoke. ‘I know this sounds weird, but I actually think he really likes you.’ You shook your head. ‘Yeah I don’t really think so.’ You weren’t stupid enough to think that he wanted anything else from you besides sex, and you had pretty much come to terms with that. ‘No really,’ she said, ‘why else would he want to bring you to a lake tonight? That’s kind of romantic and cute you know? Either that or he wants to kill you.’ You assured her that there wasn’t anything romantic going on here and that he probably just wanted to fuck again. Your body was a little sore from having sex with him 3 days in a row, and you decided that maybe a break was what you needed.  ‘Anyway, try to see him tonight and tell me what happens when we get to school tomorrow!’ she said. ‘Yeah I’ll do my best’ you lied, ‘talk to you tomorrow!’

The rest of the day was spent hanging out in your room, only coming downstairs to eat. You realized that you had Thursday and Friday’s homework to catch up on so you pulled out your backpack and got to work. By 6:00 you were done and just wanted to relax and mentally prepare yourself for the day ahead. You ate some dinner with your parents and they forced you to watch a special on BBC about chimpanzees.  After a while you convinced them that you were still feeling icky and that going to bed would probably be best. ‘But it’s only 8:30,’ your mom said getting up. ‘You never go to bed this early. Are you sure you’re okay? You’re going to miss the next special..’ You nodded. ‘Yeah I’m fine I just think I should get some sleep tonight. Since I have school tomorrow and everything…’ Your dad shrugged, ‘I think that’s probably a good idea.’ You smiled and he promised to tape the special about hummingbirds that you were skipping out on. ‘Uh, thanks, I’ll watch it tomorrow when I get home..’ You went upstairs and took a shower and picked out your clothes for Monday. Niall still hadn’t responded to your text so you figured he had given up on seeing you. You had just opened your computer when your phone rang. ‘Hey Niall,’ you said tipping back and forth in your chair, ‘what now?’ He was breathing harder than usual, and he sounded tense. ‘Listen can you meet me at the lake tonight? I really nee—um, want to see you. It’ll be just the two of us.’ You sighed, ‘I told you I can’t, sorry. Do you need to tell me something that badly? Can’t you just say it now?’ ‘Uh, no but I’m outside your house sooo…if you wanna come out that’s cool.’

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