Part 2

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As soon as you got home you ran up to your room, barely saying a word to your parents. You told them you had to stay late the next two days to finish a project, knowing that if they knew you had detention they’d kill you. ‘Y/N, do you want any dinner?’ your mom called up to you. ‘Uh, no I’m good thanks!’ you yelled down. Right now you were not in an eating mood although you weren’t quite sure what mood you were in. ‘Are you sure? At least come down and say hi to us,’ she said. ‘Um, actually I’m really tired but I’ll talk to you tomorrow!’ you shut the door and locked it, tossing your bag on the floor. The emotions you were feeling were too intense and new to be described. So many thoughts ran through your head like who you should tell, or if you should even tell anybody. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you took a deep breath. The green light blinked, signaling you had a message. It was from Leah. ‘How was detention?!? Did you survive?’ Well what the hell were you supposed to reply to that…‘Get on skype. NOW!’  You pulled out your laptop and opened skype, impatiently waiting for Leah to log on. When she finally did, you called her immediately. Soon enough she popped up on the screen. ‘Hey! What’s so urgent that you NEEDED to skype with me RIGHT NOW?’ She was laughing a little bit, but your heart was racing and your face shone a serious expression. ‘Y/N you okay? What happened?’

‘Okay,’ you said, ‘you’re not gonna believe this but…’ ‘But? BUT WHAT?! TELL ME!’ Leah was freaking out as you began to do a nervous laugh. ‘So I went to detention today, and Niall was there.’ Leah’s face fell into a sneer. ‘Oh God, ew. What’d he do this time, punch a nun? I tell you that guy is a total asshole. I’ve never met anyone I hated more, you know?’ Your mouth opened, but for some reason you couldn’t say anything. ‘Uh, I, yeah. He—he um, he is a jerk right yeah…’ You looked down. You couldn’t tell her. At least not yet. She’d kill you. And you were pretty disappointed in yourself, no matter how fun it was. ‘So is that it?’ she asked, kind of let down. ‘Is what it?’ ‘That you saw Niall in detention. Is that all you wanted to tell me?’ ‘Oh! Uh, no. Ha, he was just sitting there doing nothing and I told him to go get a book from the library and he asked me where it was! He’s so fucking stupid!’ Leah started cracking up. ‘Wow how the hell has he made it this far in school being that dumb?! I’m so proud of you for dealing with him for 3 hours without killing him!’ ‘Aha, yeah. Me too…Well anyway I have to go eat dinner I just thought I’d tell you that!’ ‘Okay, see you tomorrow!’ ‘Bye!’

You both signed off and you let out a sigh. It was 7:00 and you didn’t feel like doing any of your homework so you just took a shower and laid in your bed, thinking. By 9, you were a little tired so you figured you’d try to get some sleep. Your head buzzed with thoughts, and you couldn’t sleep no matter how hard you tried. The room was silent as you let your eyes focus on the ceiling fan spinning round and round, putting you into a hypnotic state. The day’s events replayed over and over in your head, so much so that it made you want to explode. Before you knew it your eyes were closing as you fell into a deep sleep, finally feeling some peace.

Too soon was your peace interrupted by your alarm. You woke up slowly, turning the clock off as you stretched. You had completely forgotten about the day before, and went to go pick out your clothes. All of a sudden, you realized that your encounter with Niall wasn’t a dream, and that you’d have to face him later today. You panicked, thinking of all the ways around going to school. I could say I’m sick. Or that my grandmother died. Or maybe that my house caught on fire. Or that I got in a horrible car accident! Or that I’m moving…Deep down you knew you’d have to go do today, and you tried to convince yourself that it wouldn’t be so bad. As you made your way downstairs and out the door, your mom’s voice startled you. ‘Don’t I get a hug? Or at least a goodbye?’ you turned around. ‘Oh! Sorry! Bye!’ ‘Wait, wait. Is everything okay? You barely talked to me and your dad last night. And now you’re just running out!’ She looked concerned, but you knew you couldn’t tell her the real reason you were acting so weird. ‘No, everything’s fine. I’m just a little stressed, I have a really big English thing due next week. No big deal.’ ‘Oh, alright. Well, have a good day, I love you.’ ‘Love you too, bye,’ you said shutting the door behind you.

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