Chapter 17: The Fire, the Flames, and the demon army

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     As Sora and the rest fly in the Pheonix to Dragon's Keep and the volcano it protects...

     The four have been flying in the airship for a few hours now, still wondering about the well of fire, as it has a large fortress surrounding the entire volcano it protects. Sakura sits on the upper deck, wondering what's going to happen. When their airship gets hit by a bolt of darkness.

     Everyone is immediately alerted and look off both sides of the ship, Sora sees a demon ballista on the ground, and a large force of demons going the same direction they are. They're going to the volcano! We need to get there before the demons do! He thinks to himself, Sakura fires an arrow of light and destroys the ballista. They speed up and before they could really get a break Sora was moving to take the wheel.

    "Chino, we need to tell the mages of the demons invading. They're going to the volcano!" He tells her, she nods and quickly goes into the lower deck to get to work on a device that will tell every mage in a very large area about the invasion. It should reach both Mysidia and Alcarnum, along with other cities that have magic they haven't been to. They all rush to get to Dragon's Keep as quickly as possible.

     Kieba manages the sails, Sakura refilled the engine, and put them into overdrive, they were going almost twice as fast, and could go even faster if they all rotate and put their energy into the engines, but that wouldn't work as they have a large fight coming. Chino finished the device and Sora used it to send a message to everyone with internal magic energy.


     Sakura smiled at him. Such a good leader. She thought. In a matter of minutes, they were flying near Dragon's Keep, they landed a bit early as to not get fired down by the army within, they rush to the gates and tell the guards of the situation. They nod, and let them in. Two more knights take them to the center of the volcano, past the well of fire, and to a room across the path to it. Inside the room was a table with a map of the volcano and surrounding terrain, and a man stood there, in better armor, no helmet. One eye scarred over and his spiky, brown hair. He looked very strong, and is probably the leader, is what the four are all thinking.

     "Hello, young mages, I heard that you are the ones that sent the message implying that the demons are coming? Regardless, I am Drake, one of the last dragoons. This place is known as Dragon's Keep, because dragons used to live here. They have died off, however. Without dragons to teach new ones, there won't be any new dragoons." He says, walking along the path. He gestures them to follow, then continues.

     "If you can, bring the well of fire back to us. It will empower all of us, especially me, my skills are born of fire, and without that fire, who am I to fight alongside my fellow soldiers?" He asks, and explains. Sora nods.

     "We've brought back four wells so far, may as well bring it to five, right guys?" Sora asks the other three, and they agree. About a minute of walking and they are on the other end of the volcano, and Sora starts gathering all his strength, Kieba helps, and Sakura follows. Chino knows that she'll need all her strength to heal everyone that she can. Sora fires the energy into the well, and the entire inside of the volcano glows in a red. Drake seems taken aback, and almost sheds a tear of happiness.

     "It's been so long since I felt the warmth of something even similar to that of a dragon's fire. Thank you, truly, thank you." He says to the rest.

     "Thank us once we beat the demons that should be outside the gates any minute now. Chino helped quite a lot by designing the airship, which we couldn't get here in time if we didn't, and she also made the device that let us communicate to every mage throughout almost the entire world." Sora explains. Drake nods, and the now five leave the volcano, only to hear sounds of fighting. Drake draws his sword, and uses massive raw power and then shapes it to fit the blade. Sora dual-wields swords made of light, Sakura makes a sword of fire, and a shield of ice. Kieba summons claws of pure chaos, and Chino gets back a bit, preparing any healing magic she would need.

     They all dash forward, cutting down any demon they run into, Sora creates a web of light, destroying all demons within, Kieba slicing through demons, getting faster and stronger as he goes, Sakura turns the ground around her to ice, then sets the borders on fire, she then pushes the demons into said fire using wind magic. Drake is slashing through demons, summoning waves of fire in the trail of the sword. When three strong demons approach, the four have seen two of them before, the spear wielding one, and the one with dual axes. But there's a third. With a large shield and a hammer. It has a lot of armor, as well. Drake immediately goes after the one with the shield, Kieba charges the axe wielder, and Sakura takes the spear wielder.

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