Chapter 5: Mysidia

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     Finally, after  a few days journey, three have arrived at the summit, and are greeted at the gate to Mysidia.

     "We made it!" Sora gasped out, the large ornately designed gates open, revealing four people in robes waiting on the other side.

     "Hello, presumably you are of the prophecy, as the leaders predicted your arrival, come, and you shall meet our leaders." One of them says. "Once the fourth arrives, which is hopefully soon, the training will begin." He continues, and waves for the three to enter the village.

     "Welcome to Mysidia, you three." Another of the ones to greet them says. A third gestures them to follow him, and they made their way across Mysidia to reach a large area of rock, with a Very well decorated entrance. "Enter, and the council awaits a communion." The last one says, the four people started to disperse, doing their own tasks throughout the village.

     "This place is so amazing, this is what magic looks like, and it's everywhere!" Chino gasps out in awe, looking around the very ornate looking village that is known as Mysidia.

     "We should go inside, as they said, this 'council' is waiting." Kieba says, and Sora pushes open the doors, the three walk in, they find themselves in a large cylindrical chamber, with seven pillars on one half of the room, bordering a ornate circle in the floor. Decorated with gold and silver, forming a mural of many people. A man in a white robe with silver lining around multiple points on it walked out of the shadows.

     "Greetings, travellers of prophecy, I am Aeon, master of light magic and one of the council of seven masters. It seems you took an interest to the mural, yes? Each one of those are former, and our current, grandmasters. The current grandmaster is Yuri, and the others should arrive shortly." Aeon spoke his greeting and a column of fire appeared next to him, out of it stepped another man.

     "These are the four, well, three, as the fourth doesn't seem to be here. Regardless, I am Mageus, one of the greatest fire magic users in the history of our village, you will definitely need training, as it is why you are here, no? A few of us will take part in training you, including me, I want to ensure you're ready to repel the doom that prophet told us of." Mageus said, his dark red robe with golden accents, with his hood up, his face is nearly invisible, except his eyes, which look like small plumes of fire. Mageus snapped his fingers and suddenly the many torches lining the wall came to life with fire.

     "These... Mages, are so cool, I can't imagine how long these people spent to build this, or maybe they used magic, which is still incredible." Kieba says, another appears from a pool of water on the side of the room, moving towards the stairs to join the other two, she starts to speak.

     "I am Aquarion, you could say I'm talented in the art of water magic, we are glad to see you here." She says, her silver robe looks as if it's shimmering in the light of the room. Two more appear.

     "Name's Breeze, I wasn't from here, but I can still teach in the ways of speed and wind magic, and next to me." She points to the ironclad man next to her. "Is Jenos, he is always quiet, but he's pretty good with earth and dark magic." She finishes, in a flash, she's next to all the others. Then, lightning zaps around the room and another man appears, really only wearing shorts with an added cape from the waist to his ankles. Magic as spiky as his hair. Sora notes.

     "Yuri will be here shortly, I am Zephrous, the only true master of the storms and lightning." He calls out, his blue eyes glowing with electricity, out of the shadows in the back, emerges the last man, wearing a dark purple military coat with shiny black accents, eyes of emerald and a single long braid over his left shoulder.

     "I heard my name, Zephrous, is the fourth here yet?" Yuri says, seeming mildly impatient with this meeting. "All of you have introduced yourselves to them, yes? It seems they will have to fill in the fourth chosen. Regardless, the darkness is approaching, and you four will stop it, the prophet of ours told us that you four will all become mages of god-like power, which is  necessary against Surtr, the god of death, and the spearhead of the demon invasion that is soon coming." Yuri says. 

     "They should get a day to rest, meet the fourth, and-" Breeze was cut off by one of the mages teleporting into the chamber.

     "The fourth has arrived!" He announces. Shortly after, Sakura walks in and proceeds to introduce herself to the other three and the mage council.

     "It seems that you found demons as the enemy already, that explains a lot for me, but time seems to be running short, if it wasn't for a strong mage, a demon would've killed me on the way up." She says, chilled by the revelation, all of the people in the chamber slowly exit to think and leave the four to commune with themselves.

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