Chapter 9: The Path to Shivia

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     "To think I'm already going home, maybe we can ask the master elder there about the locations of the other elemental wells." Sakura says while sliding down the mountain, using a bit of magic to be nearly weightless she jumps down to a ledge, the other three follow soon after.

     "That does sound like a good idea, so we have found the Well of Light in Mysidia, and now we go to the Well of Water, but we don't know where the other ones are. He could help us with the other locations." Sora agrees, he starts sliding down another steeper slope, and everyone is soon to follow.

     "Hey, who knows, it might just be a plain old well!" Kieba jokingly says to the rest. They all laughed at least little, once they reached the next ledge they were almost at the foot of the mountain and on their way to travel back. Then a shadowy figure, a demon, stepped out of the shadows and lunged towards them. Kieba slashed it near in half, and as the demon died, it turned to dust in the wind.

     As they reached the foot of the mountain they started going at a slower pace, it wasn't much farther now, they started into a forest and found themselves at a lake, a peaceful place, they setup a bit of a campsite, if you could call moving logs towards the lake to sit on and having Sora go find something to eat a campsite. He came back about five or six minutes later and gave the boar he hunted to Sakura, she used a bit of fire magic to cook it, in about a minute they were eating.

     "You're a great cook, Sakura!" Chino says, Sakura nods, a bit embarrassed at the praise, normally Chino is the cook, but Sakura is faster with it using fire magic. "You've gotta teach me a little fire magic sometime, I want to cook like that, so much faster than how I was doing so even less than a month ago." Chino continues. Sakura even more embarrassed tries to hide her face from all the praise. 

     "Sakura, come on, we're your friends, no need to be so shy about your talent." Sora says to Sakura, as if encouragement. She nods, then smiles as her reply. She finishes her part of the meal as fast she can to walk off for a little to try to start thinking straight, her mind on a lot of things, mainly the prophecy, but also thinking a lot about Sora. Why do I think these things? I have to focus on this prophecy before I should even be thinking about a life with someone. She thinks to herself, after a minute she walks back.

     They all conversate with each other for a few minutes when Sora notices on the other end of the lake someone sits on the shore. A man with a fully black robe and regal silver accents on the bottom. He looks at them, and disappears. Sora gets up and starts walking in the direction of Shivia.

     "We should probably get moving. I want to get there before the sundown, so we can at least greet some people when we get there and not wait until the next morning to talk about the urgent subject that we need to know the answers to." Sora says as he's walking, after a minute or so they all are running through the forest on their way, racing against the sun from going down.

     After a few minutes of running they all made it out of the forest, and a short walk along a bit of plains, they were at the gate to Shivia, there are 2 people in armor and have swords, the walls have towers equally spread with a mage in each one, watching for trouble.

     "Sakura, is that you? You're alive!" One of the guards calls out to her. She walks forward and gives the guards a brief explanation of what's happening. The guard calls to the people in the two towers above to let them in.

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