Chapter 4: The Mountain

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     The next morning, Sora and his siblings made it across the rock path without anything bad happening, and now they face the foot of the mountain.

     Sora looks up, from afar, it looked much easier to climb, but now, he sees it for real. Slowly climbing up, the three pick their ways through rocks, paths, and by the middle of the day, they reached a small cave.

     "We'll rest here, if I were to guess we could all use a bit of a break, we've made some serious ground though." Sora says, Kieba and Chino silently agree, she takes a bit of meat out of her bag, Sora and Kieba filled the emptiness in their bags with some wood and Chino had a tool to light the fire.

     "It's cold up here, at least we have this fire." Kieba sighs, he seems rather exhausted compared to just a little bit ago, he was hiding just how tired he was until just now. Sora knew that, Chino seemed rather concerned with it, thinking of how they could get moving, so she throws a couple extra herbs for strength the rest of the climb that she took with her initially.

     "Hopefully we can reach Mysidia by the end of the day tomorrow, our supplies seem to be running thin." Chino notes. After a while has past they all finished their meals and started the climb again, weighed down less from the resources they spent on that camp, they made it much farther without having to stop again, it was growing dark, they set up hopefully their last camp, and the three drifted to sleep.

     On the other side of the mountain, Sakura was around the same height as them, maybe a little lower. She decided to camp outside. Taking her dagger out, she decided to hunt for some meats, the found a boar, infusing her dagger with light fire magic, she throws the knife, striking the boar in the stomach, it collapses. Straight to the heart. She compliments herself, taking the knife out and inspecting the meat she can carve out, she found the fire magic was just right, cooking the boar near perfect in that short time. After she carved out what she would need she began to eat. looking around for sticks she started a campfire, sitting just next to the fire, she decides she should sleep at that time. Grabbing her light bedding, she laid it out next to the fire. It's definitely not getting any warmer, that's for sure. She thinks to herself.

     A few minutes of laying there, suddenly she hears footsteps, moving towards her, she gets up. a dark figure is moving towards her, and slowly accelerating. She starts running and the figure runs faster, remembering she had a knife, she turned to fight it. She was in a losing battle, then when all seemed lost, her knife on the ground a ways from her, she saw something dark flash past her, and the figure seemed to turn to dust.

     "That, was an abyss demon." A man said. That was the gatekeeper's voice! Sakura internally celebrates. "That, is your enemy, grow in strength, and you can fight them better, even start winning. You mustn't let the arcane heart at the center of the world die, for that would spell doom for everyone." The gatekeeper explains. That? The darkness is a bunch of them? Sakura thinks to herself. A few minutes later she's back at her campsite, she reignites the fire, and finally falls to sleep.

     In the village of Mysidia, the mages are communing with each other, they can sense the presence of four on the mountain, slowly getting closer each day. Many are thinking that they are the ones of the prophecy. Two of the leaders, Yuri and Zephrous, are conversing.

     "It very well could be the four, though one is completely separate from the other three if that's the case." Yuri says, then the gatekeeper teleports next to him to join the conversation.

     "Yes, they are the four, the fourth I had to contact them myself due to them being across the mountain, there are forces at play neither of you understand. But you can help them learn the start of the dangers." He replies and explains to Yuri. "Nice place, by the way." He compliments the two about the room they're in, the room that would have the mage council of Mysidia within, the 7 strongest mages convene there to share ideas and interests. Elegantly lined with many metals, making incredibly ornate patterns throughout the room.

     "Hopefully they arrive soon, as I grow more impatient every passing minute." Zephrous claims. The master of lightning magic clearly doesn't like waiting, it seems. The gatekeeper thinks to himself, amused.

     "Regardless of whatever happens, I will not interfere, even after the end of the impending battle, it's not my fight." The gatekeeper says, and teleports away, allowing no argument.

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