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A couple days have gone by and you've made it a habit of visiting Freddy everyday after closing. Dj seems to be getting a bit jealous but he'd say something if he was upset with you. you hope at least.
"No I wanna play it!"
"But its my turn!"
"No! Give it!"
You hear two boys arguing over a race car game as you're fixing up an issue with the Princess Dungeon game. You sigh and get up to go deal with them but Dj already beats you to it. Hanging upside down from the high-ass ceiling he calms the boys down and gets them to find something else they like.
God, stuff like this makes me happy I dont have to deal with those pesky toddlers in Daycare. Or the kids.
You inwardly laugh at the joke you just made to yourself. Luckily it was in your head so nobody heard you.
"Yo yo yo, girlie! Nice to finally see ya again!" You hear a rather deep and raspy voice say from next you. You turn and almost jump at how close he was.
"F-fucking jesus christ!" You curse and hear a mom gasp and cover her kids ears while quickly walking by. Prude
"Sorry there Darlin, didn't mean to scare ya!" You look up to see a fine as fuck look man stand in-front of you. You had forgotten how attractive he was from last time.
"Y-you are happy to see me?" You blush uncontrollably and feel like you're face is about to fall off. The stranger chuckles and thats when you notice the slight glowing green light from inside the small cracks of his abs. Is this Monty? Is all the animatronics here hot as fuck or no? He snaps you out of your thoughts by clicking his tongue. "Why wouldn't I wanna see ya" Why are all of them flirting with me
"I dont know, I just thought I bothered you by needing your help last time" Hou start nervously playing with your rings again and look down at your hands. Monty gently grabs your hands and brings them to his lips, softly kissing the top of each of your hands before letting go.
What the fuck? Why are his lips so soft?!
"Calm down darlin, its just me."
You turn into a stuttering, blubbering mess as he continues to flirt and talk about how he's mainly on stage or at Monty Golf and how sorry he is for not coming to talk sooner.
After Hours
"Y/n! Y/n! Wait!" Mel screams at me from the elevator, You were just about to leave. It was your night to go home, but she seems like she wanted to change that. You check your fazwatch, 11:55. She'd better hurry and this better be important.
"Y/n, glad I caught you before you left!" She says out of breath. 11:57 "Can you stay tonight? I'll give you tomorrow off, I just need your help." You sigh, "Help with what Mel?" 11:58 "Just with some repairs and routine maintenance checks" You shift on your feet and wait for her to explain further. 11:59 "You know, with Freddy and Bonnie" You freeze at Bonnie's name and she clearly notices. 12:00 The bullet proof metal casing goes down on the front doors. "I know what happened with Bonnie but I'll be there with you this time. The fresh air, along with your chance of leaving, are now gone. "Oh, and we're repairing Sundrop" You nod before you quickly realize what she said, the color draining from your face as your eyes widen"You waited till 12 to tell me that didn't you?" You asked, slightly annoyed, trying to hide your fear. I dont like Sundrop, and definitely not Moon either. Ever since I was kid I didn't, its like I knew the terrible things they've done. Sure it was to people that deserved it but still. Hanging someone from Moon's flying cable was a bit over the top for him.
"Yes, I'm sorry-" You cut her off "I will help with Bonnie and Freddy but you need someone else to help with Sunny boy" She sighs "But he's really not bad and you thought the same things about Bonnie but here we are. Plus you already gave Sundrop a nickname, Sunny boy" You roll your eyes and sigh in defeat. She's right. Maybe those rumors are just rumors and I have nothing fear. He's- They're just as miss understood as Bonnie was. But then again he did hurt you pretty bad.
You reluctantly put your stuff back in the arcade security office and met back with Mel at Freddy's room in Rockstar Row.
5 am
Exhausted and ready to pee yourself, you enter the daycare. Its dark, the lights are out. "Crap, the generaters!" Mel whisper yells and speed walks past you "Hey! Wait up!" You quickly follow behind her as she walks past the slide into the daycare and the security gate. You both speed walk to and down the stairs to the big wooden doors of the daycare. "I'll go turn on the main generator and get the lights back on. Go on in and stay behind the front desk." Before you can ask why she's walking away.

Okay, now I just have to walk into the very dark and very quiet daycare. By myself. In the dark. With a toolbox and a Flashlight. I hope moon doesn't know I'm here.

With that thought you open the heavy wooden door and quietly yet quickly close it, running to the front desk, the only light being the huge neon rainbow sign above the desk and your flashlight. Its angled right at a tower with red curtains, closed, at a big doorway.

What if all the rumors are true and they're just as big as Freddy! Maybe even bigger! And what if they are murderous and are mad you entered without knocking. Oh fuck I should've knocked!

You hear the air in a vent coming out a little too loudly and move your flashlight to it and then hear cloth moving, immediately thinking its the curtains and your right. The fucking curtains are drawn open. You squint but dont see anyone or thing there. Sighing in relief you look at your feet.

"Well Hello there~"

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