"N-... Normani..."

A Few days later-•-

By now, Normani was ready to bitch slap Lauren. The girl kept giving her the cold shoulder and making snarky comments about Normani being a liar. Now, Normani knows she's lying, she knows it's wrong on so many levels, but one thing she isn't. She isn't rude and disrespectful for no reason and this was slowly starting to piss her off. Bazzi and Shawn noticed this change in Normani and got worried. Being a demon and a vampire, Normani's power sky rockets and only they have witnessed how intense her anger is. Not because they caused it, but because they were there for her when Ryan broke up with her.

She went from sad to angry to furious. She would've killed Ryan if Bazzi wasn't there. She knows how far to go around Bazzi as he was sensitive to a lot of stuff. When Normani got angry, it wasn't a pretty sight. Bazzi laid his head on Normani chest as Normani ran her fingers through his hair. Bazzi found this to be a type of coping mechanism for the both of them, "Mani, do we get to meet your girlfriend soon?" He asks softly. Normani nods, "Hopefully." She says. Bazzi let's a soft pout form on his face, "Will she like me?" He asks. Normani smiles, "She'd love you." She responds instantly, leaning against the bleachers. Bazzi smiles and sighs in content. They stayed like this for a little bit before getting up.

Bazzi knew he had calmed Normani down tremendously. He was happy that he calmed Normani down as Normani meant a lot to him so, he didn't want to see her mad at all. The melanin skin girl was there for him when everyone else turned their backs on him and he was forever grateful, even if he knew Camila before her.

"Hey... beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful angel!" Bazzi sings loudly. Normani giggles at the older boy, "Andrew, shut up." She jokes making him smile as they made it to their table at lunch. Ally greets them with smiles, "Mani, Bazzi." She greets, hugging them both. Normani smiles, "Mama Ally." She greets. Ally laughs as Lauren stayed quiet and Camila ate her banana. Shawn hugged the duo as well, "Hey guys." He greets, sitting next to his girlfriend afterwards. Normani waves with a slight smirk, holding her brother figure's hand I top of the table.

Bazzi grins at Normani, "So, Mani... did you and Dinah...?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows. Shawn gasps, "Bazzi!" He exclaims. Normani smirks, "Wouldn't you like to know?" She says jokingly. Lauren groans, "Normani, cut the bullshit!" She shouts angrily, gaining attention from a lot of people in the cafeteria, including Ryan and her crew. Normani points at Lauren, "Listen, nigga, you been irking my soul this whole day and it's taking both Satan and God to stop me from beatin yo bitch ass..." She snaps seriously, the group feeling her power spike slightly.

Bazzi swallows hard, "Normani, it's okay..." He whispers slightly. Lauren stands up, "You ain't about to do shit!" She says loudly. Normani flashes a smirk, "I could kill you in a snap, Lauren." She threatens. Shawn and Bazzi swallow hard knowing that what Normani said was true. Lauren scowls, "You're empty threats don't phase me!" She says. Normani shrugs as the lunch bell rings. She stood up and walked away, not before being forcefully turned around in the middle of the hallway.

Now, Normani was aggravated,

"Listen, Lauren. I'm telling you politely to fuck the fuck off." Normani threatens. Lauren glares harshly, "Admit it, Normani! You don't have a fucking girlfriend!" Lauren shouts angrily. Ryan smirked as the hallways began to crowd. Normani's eyes glowed a bright red, "Yes I do! I'd expected you to actually believe me, but of course yo bitch ass doesn't, fuck out my face, bruh. Like seriously, get the fuck on!" She says, tempted to pimp slap the shit out of her so called best friend. Lauren gets up in Normani's face, "What are you going to do about it, huh?! Slap me? Punch me? Kill me?" She provokes making Normani angrier. Normani was about to swing until she felt a hand on her shoulder, "Baby, what's going on here?" A voice asks making the crowd gasp and making Lauren freeze.

Blonde hair... 5'8"... caramel skin

Bazzi gasps, "Oh my god! Hi! I'm Andrew but everyone calls me Bazzi! I'm Normani's best friend!" He exclaims cutely. The tall girl smiles brightly, "Wassup! I'm Dinah Jane, but everyone calls me DJ!" She greets with just as much enthusiasm. Normani bites her lip, "DJ, hey. Wh-What are you doing here?" She asks shyly. Dinah tilts her head with a cute smile, "Is it wrong to come and visit my beautiful girlfriend?" She asks.

Normani felt her face heat up, "No, bae. I'm talking about HERE. In my school." She specified. Dinah made an 'o' expression, "I go to school here now. After heavy convincing of my mom, she let me move in with my cousin to be here." She says. Bazzi grins, "Cool! I get to hang out with my sister in law often!" He laughs out. Dinah grins, "That's right, dawg." She says. Ryan scoffs, "THIS is your girlfriend?" She asks. Dinah raises an eyebrow,

"Baby, who is she?"

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