Third Chapter

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I never expected such a small person to be so fast. I was trying to see her but every turn I made she would make another turn. I kept shouting out her name but she did not turn around, she did not even acknowledge that I was there. She was hurting and I knew that and the other day she was trying to help me and now I was trying to help her. 

After running for so long I finally caught up with her. She ran out of breath faster then I did and that made it easy to get to her. So I ran up to her.

"Elizabeth" I was breathing so heavy I couldn't say anything else. My hands were on my knees and I was bent down trying to get enough to air to say something but I was interrupted because she started talking to me. 

"Why did you chase me? I was running so I can be alone it was not a sign for someone to come "help" me" she said with a attitude. 

" I.. I..." still trying to catch my breath " I just wanted to say sorry for what happened the other day. " 

"Why did you have the chase me down to say sorry. You shouldn't give a shit about me considering is am a civilian in your world." 

"No you are not" I finally gained the strength to stand up straight, " like you said no one is above anyone in this world" 

She blushed but tried to hide it. I could tell she was embarrassed to show any kind of sappy emotion to me. 

" Okay, I am glad that you are sorry. Now you can go live your life and I can live mine and everything will be just dandy."

" No" I said. Right after I said it I realize how blunt it sounded as if I was a caveman with little vocabulary. So I tried to redeem myself. 

" No, I am not going to just go on with my day pretending like I didn't meet you. I ran after you to talk to you. I want to know what the hell it going on in that head of yours that you are able to speak your mind so openly without fear of rejection." 

She looked up at me, she was pretty short. I am guessing like 5'2 but I all knew for sure is that she was shorter then me.

" You act as if I am a super hero with the power to talk shit." She laughed at the thought of it and when she laughed I did too. 

When she laughs her cheeks get so red and her smile extended from ear to ear. Her laughter was infectious and I couldn't help but laugh with her. 

So we both stood there laughing like idiots. That moment felt so good. The laugher made me feel like all of the shit that I was dealing with was not there. That moment was best I have felt in a long time and it was weird because I shared it with someone I barely knew.

While we were laughing I noticed a pretty shady guy across the street from us that looked like a paparazzi. 

"Um not the rush anything but I think there is a paparazzi person over there and I don't think you want your photo taken" I said with a nervous tone. I was afraid knowing that somebody was trying to take our photo would make her nervous and scare her off.

She then looked across the street and smiled

"Don't worry, I know just the place to hang out where they can't find us. Follow me."

She started running again and I just followed her. She could have been taking me to a mental asylum but I didn't really care I just wanted to spend time with her. 

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