chapter thirty three: rainy moonlight (reprise)

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I MAKE IT BACK to mills a bit late. i stopped for some food, and overall think i overstayed my visit. but i don't regret a thing.

although i'm still looking for claire, i feel like i already found a piece of her. meeting and talking with her grandma showed me a lot about who she is, and who she grew up around. i can't help but smile at the thought of her in that house with that woman.

i finally pull into the mills student parking lot at 9PM. it was cloudy when i left, but seems to have brushed into a heavy rainstorm while i entered boston.

my windshield pushes against the water as i sit in the car for a minute, contemplating what my next move is. i start by quickly running out to the building and handing kris's keys off to him.

"hey, everything all good?" he asks while i give them back. i stand with a bit of residue left on my body as i couldn't completely escape the rain.

"yeah, it actually is." i say even though i know i didn't exactly find what i was looking for. he gives me a hug, and i smile as i turn to head towards my door.

i reach in my back pocket to check the time and realize my phone is gone. i feel around any possible place, but i guess i must have left it in the car.

i walk out the side door and sprint towards the red car. it's still unlocked and i grab my phone from the seat in the heavy rain. a pair of headlights flash my eyes while a red car pulls into the lot. it's claire's.

she parks a few spots away from kris car and i subconsciously walk towards the vehicle, ignoring all rain and simply continuing to gravitate. she gets out and sees my stance, moving toward me too.

she jogs and pulls me close enough so i could hear the sound of her voice.

"where were you?" i interrupt her for whatever words were about to be said. she pauses, and i see her mind putting together what she wants to say.

"that's what i wanted to tell you." she pushes a piece of my wet platinum hair behind my right ear. her touch was familiar, but it feels like forever since i've been able to obtain it.

she lets out a heavy sigh before explaining: "my dad was confirmed of winning of the election." i don't quite comprehend what she's saying, so i answer with "that's good, right?" my yells pulse through the rain.

her eyes follow up to the dark sky and raindrops fall down her face.

"my dads moving in to the governors house." i still don't follow.
"and i'm moving with him. i'm transferring."

now i get it.

so there she was, helping prepare her new house. with no notice to me.

i stand there again—like an idiot. i gain consciousness that my hands were touching her arms, but pull them away and begin to walk towards the school. i walk faster and faster until the dim lights are about 10 feet away and i can somewhat feel the sidewalk. i think claire's yelling behind me, but i can't exactly make out the specific words.

it's not until a figure runs up behind me and pulls my face around to kiss her that i comprehend what has happened.

her lips dance with mine, her hands grazing my face. i grip her back to embrace her; still standing in the rain. we're completely soaked by now, but i don't think either of us mind.

"you didn't think i didn't want a roommate, did you?" despite the weather i can still see her smile clear as day. i giggle as i realize the considerations claire had made during our time apart. our lips meet once again before she pulls me by my hand inside, happiness remaining glowing from her soaked figure.

then one continuous thought repeats its pattern once again.

i fucking love this girl.


author speaks!!

hey yalllll

this is lowkey looking like the end of the story, but stick around for a lil epilogue later wink wink

OPINIONS NOWW! who did you hate, who did you love, who did you want to see more of, anything!!


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