chapter twenty: return to town

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"SWEETIE, WAKE UP WE LANDED." my mom rubs my shoulder as we land in what seems to be a foreign planet. except one that i've been to before.

i don't have much luggage, actually any luggage. so i follow my parents off the plane practically like a zombie. lifeless, just stumbling through the maze of people.

i probably look like one too. no airport crushes today for me. and anyways, i'm still mourning the loss—or rather losses of my life in boston. i fucked it up, time to start over once again.

"ooo honey do you want to get some coffee? there's a starbucks–but wait there's also a dunkin" my mommy says as we trudge through the airport.

"can we get dunkin?" i mumble like a baby.

"mhm." and we get in the line. i don't think i was conscious when i ordered my drink because i ended up with a cold brew with a shot of caramel and oat milk, something i never get. but someone i know does—claire.

i still drink it, and enjoy it. i cant tell if it's because it reminds me of her, or if it's actually truly good, but i finish it as we finally head out the doors with my parents luggage.

"our hotel isn't too far, but our ride should be here somewhere" my mom scrounges to find a black honda to bring us to some hotel.

"what happened to the apartment?" i ask, curious if we still have ownership of it.

"sold it instantly after we left. you know how real estate is nowadays, and besides, we don't really know how long we're gonna be in one place."

great. might move around the world just a little more. god, i cant wait for college.

i nod and step into the back seat of her car. my mom follows, and rubs my hand as we drive the few minutes it takes to get to our hotel.

"i believe it has a bedroom, so your father and i will take that, then you'll be in the main room. you can watch TV, lay in the bed—or couch. whatever you'd like." she offers. i'm still sniffling throughout the ride there.

we pull up to the parisian hotel and i assist my parents in bringing their bags inside, where the staff immediately wheeled them away.

"oh honey, they're just finishing the meeting but i have to try, can i see you at breakfast?" my dad rushes to say as he instantly heads out the door. my mother simply nods in agreement then turns to me and says:

"guess it's just you and me." with a soft smile.

i think i inherited my smile from my mother. it's nothing compared to sofia's radiant one, but rather a slight movement of my lips, barely expressing my happiness. and it definitely is not as great as claire's smir: my favorite one—favorite thing in the world.

i walk into the elevator and watch my moms gentle hands reach for the buttons, pressing 11. at once we get to our room and it reveals a beautiful suite. i've always admired my mother's taste.

"this is really nice mom." i quietly say in hopes that it's enough to express my gratitude. it's about 9, and i slept for a long time of the plane ride. i think. i step towards the windows to glance at the city at night. my mother touches my shoulder, making me instantly snap around out of my own choice.

"sweetie, i don't exactly know what happened back in boston..." she begins.
"but i know it was something hard. you were crying—a lot. i wanted to try to give you some space on the plane, even though it was a tight fit." she jokes.
"but just know you can tell me anything. after your friends accident here, i was so scared. i just want you to be able to have me here to talk." she confirms.

tears line my eyes again, but this time in happiness.

"yeah. i'm glad to have you." and she opens her arms in embrace. i take a glance down at my phone because i notice it opened up instagram. it immediately showed a post from clairejblooms

she just posted it, meaning she's hopefully okay

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she just posted it, meaning she's hopefully okay. wait–she doesn't know i'm gone. i left her in boston.


i get a notification from a caller who i don't recognize. it's a paris number, but i don't know who it is. i answer in curiosity and pick up simply saying:


the response i get next is one i never expected.

"hey, it's jules. you're in town, right?"


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