chapter ten: not at mills anymore

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"SO WE BOTH have monsters in our closet huh."
claire says, following my head onto the sand.

"yeah" i turn to see claire already looking at me.

"let's go." she nods, seeming like she found what she needed to.

we get up from the sand, shaking off our clothes and headed back up towards the house.

i wait in the car for claire, who puts the key back in a hiding spot and starts our ride back.

"hold on i need gas." she says, pulling into a gas station five minutes into the ride.

"do you want anything from inside?" she asks since there's a convenient store inside.

"uhm i don't know so i'll come in with you." i say.

i get out of the car, meeting her around the other side and head into the store. it's pretty empty beside one costume and a cashier, but i look around and grab a sprite bottle, claire grabbing a diet coke.

we walk up to the cashier who scans the drinks and hands them back to us. once claire pays, she immediately follows it by opening the cap of the bottle and taking a sip. yet before she does, she looks over to me seeing me keep mine in my hand.

"cheers bitch" she smirks, touching her bottle to mine.

i follow it back by swiping off my cap and drinking it, our eyes remaining locked.

we head outside and towards the car, me waiting with her as she fills the tank.

"thanks for the drink" i smile.

"thanks for this; today." i continue, and i mean it.

"it doesn't have to end here you know." claire smirks as she leaves the gas pump and walks the few feet towards me.

"what does that mean." i still match her smile, just am confused. and kind of intrigued.

suddenly, claire steps even closer and pushes my blonde hair behind my ear.

and she kisses me.

"we can't do this." i say pulling away.

"no ones here. we're not at mills anymore." she whispers her last words.

and then i let her kiss me again. and again, until my heads pressed on the hood of the car, sudden yet soft.

"cheers to that!" we hear be called from the stores entrance, resulting in a laugh from both of us.

she pulls me back up from the hood and walks around the other side of the car, and we make our way back to boston, screaming every taylor swift song that comes on the playlist.

"you know you passed the exit to mills you know." i tell her since we passed it.

"i know." she does that smirk again, turning onto a different exit, one with a sign BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS on the top.

"oh my gosh are we going to boston?" i laugh, surprised but so excited.

i look to see the time, and it reads 2:37, still giving us a lot of time in the city.

"let's grab some food." she says, driving around trying to find a place to put the car.

left myself at home Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora