Chapter 2: Enemy

26 2 5

Time: 10/09/2113



More footsteps.


Panic that tasted like salt and dust.

Flashing red lights.

"So are you sure that enemy might be inside this damn place?" A low voice growled. "This whole place of hell look like the people's dead for ten years!"

"Let's just scan it roughly. I don't think anything important is inside here. I'm outta here." Another person responded. It seemed that there were at least five or so people looking for their "enemy".

I was hoping that I wasn't their particular "enemy". Even though the chances of being their target was rare, it was the smartest not to move or make a sound. I would not trust them so quickly. They did not sound friendly to my instinct.

Red lights flared inside the broken down room for several seconds before I could no longer see or hear any movements. I was already starting to get dizzy because of suffocation in this tiny hiding place. Maybe I should try getting out from this place?

Breathing short, rapid breaths, I carefully let a hand out of the bed board, while listening for any clues whether the searchers have gone. All quiet. Good. I was all by myself. Little by little, I let my whole arm out of the space, followed by my head. I inhaled deeply. The air outside of the bed boards was so refreshing, I felt much better instantly. As if I just revived from a dark life of hiding.

I was just slipping my last foot out from the hiding place when I heard footsteps coming closer again. Grabbing the bed boards, my survival instincts told me to go hiding again. But there was not enough time. The searchers were already too close, close enough to see a person slipping to under the bed boards.

"Life form detected. Room to the right." A machenical voice spoke out.

"Hey! Who's there? Whatever fucking ass you might be, just come out from wherever the hell you're hiding!"

I didn't move.

"Just come out! Security check! We just hecking check you for security and that's all! It's for your own safety!"

I didn't make a move.

They moved closer, until one of them grabbed me by my hood.

"I said come out! Why don't you come out from that place, you damn kid?" The capturer growled furiously. I struggled hard, kicking my legs violently against the capturer, but none of it worked. I was being dragged away.

I stared at the group of people. They were a group of six, maybe more hiding in the shadows behind, all wearing black armor with a terrifying red symbol of a triangle on the front of their chests, as well as on their black gloves.

"What do you want with me? I've got nothing for you, nothing at all!" I spat out. "If money is what you want, I'll have to tell you that I have none!"

"We don't want your damn money! We just want to know where our hidden enemy is."

"What enemy? And who are you? Why do you want to ask me, of all the people?" I almost cried out. Panic and fear flooded inside of my brain. They were heavily armed, while I had nothing to defend myself with. They were a large group, while I was on my own. What if...?

"You liar! You must be lying to us. Nobody in the neutral territory does not know about us!" The person who took me by my hood, appearantly their leader, shouted into my face. "We are Squad RN027 of the Red Nexus, protector of the future!"

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