chapter 17

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I'm so sorry for the wait, but as promised I'm trying my best ...

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“ Have you seen Y /N ? “ fred asked scanning the great haul

It was dinner time and y/N was nowhere to be seen, Fred and george already asked the hogwarts ghosts for help

fat friar was kind enough to help and even peeves is searching the dungeon and the slytherin house, but she simply disappeared

“ no, i’ve been searching for her since lunch” george said clearly distressed

“ where the fuck is she? “ fred said frustrated

“ The day our best friend was humiliated, we were doing what dear brother of mine? .. sneaking out to hogsmeade "

“ Oi, don't act like it wasn't your idea first " fred said

“ was not “

“ totally was “

“ was not “

‘ stop it, you too are giving me a headache " lee said annoyed

" she probably went to some place to feel safe and think about what occurred today, i honestly would have dropped out if i was her  "

" right … but we are her safe place " fred said confused

" we’re her only safe place " george said

''Well you weren't here were you ?” lee said taking a bite from a apple

" no .. we failed her gred " fred exclaimed

" i’m sure she’ll show up tomorrow at breakfast if not tonight " lee said

“ hope you’re right “ fred and george said

Y/N was absolutely lost

She was walking in the forest trying to find a way out, everything around her is dark, there was no sign of light except the one coming out of her wand,

dried tears itching her cheeks, and thick cold breeze passing her way once in a while,
howling can be heard from a distance, while sounds of grass ruffling is constantly giving her the creeps, she prayed to merlin that no creature of the night crosses her path

She hoped that her friends are looking for her, severus didn't even cross her thoughts, as she already lost hope in him, while she’s been looking for a way out she made a decision

Even if he said those words to protect her, it doesn't mean that she’ll run back to his arms

' oh severus love, it’s okay that you humiliated me in front of the whole school just to protect me from being picked on '

hell no, if he was smart he could’ve said no instead of saying those foul words about her, there is no coming back from there

If he thought she will run back to his arms and be grateful, he’s so wrong.

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