「Part Eleven」

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You woke up and found yourself in your bedroom. You couldn't remember yourself falling asleep.

You turned to the side, your mind flashing back to yesterday. You wanted to defend Eda, take her side. Defend her against your own feelings. Maybe you did mishear, maybe you actually were getting boring. You shook your head. No, no. You couldn't find yourself making up an excuse for her.

But honestly. Were you actually going to stay here? In the emperors coven, the people who tortured you!

All because you were a little mad at Eda for replacing you for that juman girl, Luz?

Yes. Yes you were.

It might seem a little dramatic to you readers, but you were promised to never be replaced, but then you were replaced. Not only that, Eda had an idea where you were and didn't save you when you were tortured?

Even if she didn't know what to do, she was a powerful witch, she could get you out. But you had to endure pain and torture all because Eda. Didn't care enough to save you.

You sat up tears stinging your eyes but you didn't let them drop. You didn't want them to drop. You felt if you did, you'd never ever stop crying.

But, the pain was too great and the tears fell anyway. What was so special about Luz? You wiped at them but they kept falling.

The door knocked and you covered your face in your blanket.

You took a deep breath, and thanked the titan your voice sounded normal. "Yeah? Who is it?"

Hunter looked at you worried. "How are you doing? After yesterday?"

You stared at him. Were you really going to forgive him after everything he did to you before? He let you get tortured. Even though he was your friend now, were you really going to keep being friends with him, now that you remember everything?

He took advantage of your amnesia and made you be his partner for the people you hated the most.

Were you really going to forget everything, because he was your friend now? He was the only person you had left, even if the friendship was made fake. When you didn't even know who you were?

Were you really going to do that? Were you that desperate?



"Oh. Uh, yeah I am." You said, quietly. "So...any missions today?" 

Hunter studied you, but answered your question. "Yeah we do. But, pretty tame considering...yesterday."

"Really? What is it?" 

Hunter was confused. Even remembering yourself, you still wanted to be there. You still wanted to do the missions with him. You could have escaped anytime. But you stayed.

"We have to get some galdorstones for the emperor." Hunter answered quickly. "You don't have to but--" 

"No, let me come. I need to get my mind off some things anyway, and me not coming would be suspicious to the emperor..."

Hunter nodded. "Understandable. We leave in thirty minutes." He said, trying to smile.

You smiled back and shut your door as he left. "Galderstones...it's strange. Why is the emperor making us collect these things?" You murmured to yourself. 

You wish you could talk to Eda about these things. But you couldn't. You hated her. You hated her right now.

And you hated that Luz girl. And you hated the emperor. You hated everyone. You felt so much hatred for everyone. 

You don't know why.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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