「Part Four」

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Would you willingly forget the past?

TW// Memory loss

Your eyes open and you sat up quickly. You looked around, scared. You were in a cell. Where am I? Why am I in a cell?

"You're awake. Finally." A voice said. "How are you feeling, Y/n?"

You turned quickly and saw a boy in a cloak and ash blond hair, brushed back. There was a scar on his cheek and he looked bored.

You kicked back, scared. He narrowed his eyes. "I asked you a question."

"I-I...W-Who are you?" You asked in a whisper. "Why am I here? What did I do?"

The boy blinked. "Very funny, Y/n." He scoffs. "You really think you're gonna get out like that?"

You watched him take some food off a tray and slide it through the cell. "What...What are you doing?" You asked nervously.

He raised an eyebrow. "Uh...keeping my promise on giving you my potion of food?"

You stared at him. "What promise..?"

The strange boy stared at you. "Why are you playing dumb?" He snapped. You flinched as he snapped at you. 

"Huh?" He said quietly. Y/n never flinches...at least, because of me. "Are...Are you sure you can't remember why you're here?" He asked walking up to the cell. You looked up at the boy. "You're not lying...are you?" He asked in a more quiet voice.

You watch him stare at you and when you shook your head you said, "Who...Who even are you?"

He backed up. "I-I'll. I'll be right back." 

Then the boy ran out the room that held your cell. "W-Wait!" You call jumping up. "Don't leave me here!" You called. Your chains yanked you back and you fell.

The Golden Guard thundered through the hall and to the throne room. "Uncle!" He said, out of breath. 

"Hunter. Why are you running through the castle?" The emperor asked quietly. "Is Y/n safely back in their cell?"

The Golden Guard gasped for air as he said, "Uncle, yes, they're in their cell- but...but-"

"What is it?"

"They don't remember anything! Nothing!" He said, all of it jumbling out. "They don't remember who I am, they don't remember why they're there!"

The emperor stood. "Excuse me? How do you know they aren't faking it?"

"Because they flinched when I yelled. They never flinch when I yell..." The Golden Guard said quietly. 

The emperor sighed. "I suspected this might happen. Let me see them." 

The Golden Guard led him to the room that held your cell and you looked up when you heard the door open. 

A man in a gold mask and a long white cloak, way different from the Golden Guard's cloak. 

"Hello, Y/n." The man said going up to the cell. 

You gulped. "Who...Who are you guys? Why am I in here?" You asked in a hushed voice.

The Emperor only looked at you. "Why do you think you're in here, Y/n?"

You stared at him. "Did...Did I do something wrong?"

"Precisely. You...You broke a very important rule. You let a criminal go." The man said. 

The Golden Guard looked at him. "What?-"

He held up his hand to cut the boy off. "You were a very important scout. But you let the criminal go."

You looked down. "O-Oh." You muttered. "I'm sorry...I didn't...I didn't remember..." You looked up at him. "I promise not to do it again!"

The boy looked at you. What is my uncle planning?

The emperor stares at you. "Are you sure?"

You nodded. "Yes!"

The emperor turned around and said, "Golden Guard, untie your partner and show them their room and lead them the way of the coven until they can remember on their own."

"P-Partner?" He asked shocked.

You saw the emperor's eyes flash. "Yes. Partner." He said.

The boy tensed and looked at your cell before the emperor left. When he did, you looked at him. "I'm your partner?" You asked. 

He looked at you. "Y...Yes. You are."

You smiled nervously. "Sorry if I got you in trouble with my stupidity..." You said as he unlocked your cell. 

He narrowed his eyes and looked at you. "You didn't. It's fine."

You lifted your wrists so he could unlock your cuffs. "I'm sorry, but...What's your name again?" You asked. 

He looked at you startled. "My name?"

You nodded. "Yeah...Your name?" The cuffs where click off of you and you were free. 

He led you out the cell. "My...My name is Hunter."

You walked to the door with him. "Hunter? That's a cool name!" You said laughing. "What did I do as your partner?" You asked. "What kind of partner was I?"

He frowned. "You. You were my sidekick on missions. Everyone called you the Silver Soldier." He lied quickly. "You accompany me on missions and...help me."

You though for a moment as he opened a bedroom door. "Hm. Sounds easy enough." You looked up. "Is this my room?" You asked.

Hunter nodded. "Yes."

"Who was that guy?" You asked stepping in and looking around.

"You mean the Emperor?" He asked going through the closet. He tossed you some clothes and a white cloak. 

You caught it. "Yeah! He sure is nice letting me off with a warning..."

Hunter looked at you a long moment. You were confused. "What?" You asked. "Did I say something?"

He sighed. "No. Get dressed. I'm going to get you a mask." And he shut the door, leaving.

You watched before looking at the clothes smiling. They're both so nice and forgiving.

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