Seeing how thirsty these girls were for Jeremiah's attention, especially since he got that basketball scholarship made me cringe.

I looked back down at my food again and started eating while Kaleia stared over in Jeremiah's direction and kinsley typed on her phone before glancing over at me for a quick second then looked back at her phone

"Your food looks like shit" she bluntly told me, focused on whatever she was typing and I frowned

"It's nothing wrong with my food. You should try it"

"I'm good. I don't need that type of negativity in my life"

"Shut up kinsley" I laughed "and what are you typing?"

"I'm texting my dad. I'm tryina find a way to curse him out and thank him at the same time"

"Why? What he did?"Kaleia asked

She sent off her text and sat her phone down "he said some lady came to the shop and was bragging about her daughter or whatever while she was getting her car worked on so he started bragging on me and showed the lady picture of outfits I made. So now the lady is willing to pay whatever for an outfit"

"That's great! Why would you curse him out?" I asked, eating another forkful of my food

"Because she needs the outfit by the day of prom. Which means I gotta work on two prom dresses and now this outfit at the same time. But I appreciate the fact that he's keeping me booked and busy. I'll just have to do my homework while I'm at work so as soon as I get home I can work on outfits"

"Well if you don't have time to do my dress I can just buy one" Kaleia suggested and you would've thought she said something rude to kinsley based on her reaction

"I got this. Your dress really ain even complicated to make. I just don't need to procrastinate anymore"

"That's my girl" I smiled, clapping my hands together "I feel like a proud parent"

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes as Kyran walked over to the table

He sat two boxes of pizza down on the table before taking a seat on the other side of kinsley and then made eye contact with me

"Finally" Kaleia exhaled, grabbing a napkin and then opened the top box, taking a slice of pepperoni pizza and kin did the same

"Now this! This is food" she told me as she bit the pizza and I laughed, seeing Jeremiah walk over with Aj along with him

"Wassup y'all" Aj greeted us while he took a seat by Kyran and Jeremiah sat beside me

"Butter pecan. I ain see you this morning! What happened?"

"I had a doctors appointment asshole" I told him and he rose his eyebrow

"A doctors appointment for what? You ain pregnant is you?"

"Jeremiah be forreal. YOU'LL have a better chance of getting pregnant before me"

He shook his head "ion know. Ion put shit past nobody"

"Why you so quiet?" Kaleia asked Kyran, who was busy paying attention to his phone. When she saw he wasn't answering her she looked at his ears and realized he had his AirPods in so she bawled up a napkin and threw it at him quickly gaining his attention

"What?" Kyran asked, taking his AirPods out and I got a text on my phone so I picked it up and read it


Top Golf?

Sure. You just gotta teach me how to play😂

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