The Bet(499 words)

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"Dad!" a 7 year old boy called. His father turned towards him and saw a mischievous grin on his face. I have a feeling that I am going to regret the next few minutes, the father said in his mind. "Yes son?" he questioned. "Let's keep a bet." His father was amused at his son's word. The kid halted for a second to wait for his father's conformation. The father gave him a reassuring smile which he thought of as a continue sign. "We are going to bet on who mom loves more😁. We are going to see who from us can first get a kiss and make mom say 'I Love You'  wins."

 The "mom-Kaira" was gone out for grocery shopping and won't come back for another 2 hours. The father pondered for a while. He was about to say no when his son spoke the forbidden words. "Unless of course you want to chicken out🦃 " the son-Dexter spoke in a mocking tone. 

Oh he is so going down his father thought and an evil smirk appeared on his face. "If I win, you will have to clean your room, washrooms and the kitchen. If I lose, I will do all these things. Well what you say?" said his father.

Normally, his son would never dare to bet such a thing however this time he knew he was prepared and there was no way he was going to lose. "Sure." 

~2 Hours Later~

Dexter P.O.V

Mom's home and its nearly my sleeping time. Everything right on mark I thought. Father quickly went and opened the door. I had to stop myself from laughing at the scene. Father was trying to talk to mom while she was clearly annoyed of carrying the vegetables. 

"Mom you okay?" I went and asked her. Yes she replied. "Dexter shouldn't you be in bed?" his mother asked in a sweet tone. I told her I was waiting for her. She of course now was in a good mood. 

~~~ Being put to bed~~

 We exchanged our goodnights and I pretended to be asleep.

End P.O.V

Father P.O.V

"Hey I was wondering since Dexter's asleep, why don't we relax and as a bonus eat ice-cream," I said pulling Kaira closer. 

"You call that a bonus?" she said smiling at me seductively.

"Well we could add other activities" I said nearly kissing her when--

"Moooommmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyy" came a loud cry.

Kaira let go of me and  went to Dexter. "I dreamt that father bullied me and said that mommy will never kiss or say I Love You to me because you hate me" he wailed. 

Kaira gave him a quick KISS on his cheek and said I LOVE YOU to him.  Kaira hugged him. He looked at me and smirked. Damn this cheater.

End P.O.V (Flashback Over)

Here I the father am cleaning a washroom. "today's a great day right dad" Dexter commented making his way towards me when he slipped.

"You call that a bonus?" he thought. 

Oh hell yes!!!

"That's Karma hahahaha," his father said. 

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