ETY 23

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No One POV

Mina take a peek on Y/N's office but she didn't look the latter on her table , she went inside while something catch her attention . She saw Y/N sleep peacefully on the sofa while hugging the cushion . Her heart melted when she saw this side of Y/N , she took her picture quickly then kissed her forehead . "Rest well sweet girl , I'm gonna buy some lunch then we eat together" Mina giggles then kissed Y/N's cheek .

A few hours later , Y/N woke up then she was greeted by Mina . "My bear already woke up hehehe" Mina went her then hug her waist while give her kisses on cheek . "Let's lunch , I was waiting for you" Y/N pouted "There's no need to wait for me , Minari" Mina smile sweetly then dragged her to the table , Y/N was about to sit but Mina pulled Y/N into her lap . Y/N look at her disbelief and Mina chuckled . "I prefer you to sit on my lap so that I can look at you every minute" Y/N slapped Mina's arm softly . "S-stop don't make me blush" Y/N hide her face .

Mina on the other side continue dig in while feeding Y/N , Y/N hide her blushing face "Sweet girl , finish your food since my friends coming now" Y/N nodded then sit beside . Mina welcomed her friends which is Nayeon , Jeongyeon , Jihyo , Tzuyu and Dahyun while Momo and Sana on their way . "Minarii it's been a while" all of them gathered up . "Yeah it's been a while , I was busy" they just chuckled then Jeongyeon point her fingers to Y/N . "Mina who is this girl?" Mina smiled "She is my secreta-" Sana burst out the door "What's up gays , oh hey cutie" Sana winked at Y/N make the latter choke on her food .

Your POV

Someone handed me a water , then I gulped it . I mumbled 'thank you' to the girl who looks like a thomas . "By the way , the name of Park Jihyo , you can call me Jihyo" she shake my hands "Sorry to be rude , the name of Hwang Y/N , you can call me Y/N" she showed her gummy smile make me chuckles . "You should introduce to others too" I nodded then walk to her friends . "Anneyong , Hwang Y/N imnida" I said then all of them smile . "Let me introduce my friends , so we start from Nayeon the oldest , Jeongyeon , Momo , Sana , Dahyun and Tzuyu" all of them shake hands with mine and I did the same .

"Minari , I didn't heard about your relationship with Chaengie , how was about both of you?" Nayeon blurted out , I was being confused . "Chaengie is our friend , her full name is Son Chaeyoung" I just 'ooo' then look at Mina who was not spoke . "Ooh chaeyoung , y-yeah she's fine . Both of us fine" I was hurt a lil bit but maybe she don't want to tell the real reason . "You guys can have a talk , I need to complete my work" I look at my phone and bowed to them then enter my office . I sighed heavily and continuing my work . 'Not gonna lie but why she didn't tell her friend about our relationship or she just used me? If it was her reason to use me , I should avoid her ' I mumbled .

I went outside while bumping into Karina . "Sorry Karina , I was spaced out" she just smile then shakes her head . I walk with her and she bid goodbyes to me since she was going home . I heard Jihyo voices then I turned around Mina with them too . I bowed and bid goodbyes to them while ignore eye contact with Mina . After they leave , I went to ground floor to do some checking . I still on checking while Mina approach to me "Hey um , are you okay if I go home?" I just hummed and still not facing her . "Ohh um I will leave now , take care . Call me if you need help" I just stay silent and close the door then left her alone on the ground floor.

' I really hate to see you ignoring me , I'm sorry if I still mention about my ex' Mina mumbled and leave the company

Still Your POV

I went back to my office then lay down on sofa , I sighed heavily . I took my phone and send text to Johnny to helping me tonight . It was past 7pm , I unbuttoned my uniform and use t-shirts then continuing checking an email . I heard a knock then Johnny enter my room , I smiled then he helps me while I make some coffee for both of us . "Where is Mina?" my face turn into somber . "What happen to both of you?" I sighed then telling him about the incidents . He breath heavily "Don't let your emotions control yourself , talk slowly with her okie?" I hummed then he patted my head . "Don't think too much Y/Nnie , alright let's work" I smiled .

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