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Few weeks later

Mina POV

"Hey babe?" Y/N look at me "yeah is there anything?" I hummed "I'll go to the bar with the girls tonight" she look at me worriedly "Are you fine with it?" I nodded "Alright you can go , call me if you want to pick up" I smiled then kissed her cheeks . Lately I was stressed too much and yeah I almost fight with Y/N but gladly she understand me . I went to our shared room and looking some clothes for the party tonight . I head to the bathroom and taking shower after that I changed my clothes . I saw Jihyo's car infront then I head to the downstairs.

I waved at her then enter Jihyo's car . We head to the bar while waiting for the others . I sat at the bar section and ordered one glass of whiskey . The bartender give me a drink then I drank it , I felt dizzy a little bit . A woman approached and sit beside me "Hey pretty , are you alone?" I shook my head "I was with my friend" she hummed then ordered her drink "Are you single?" I look at her "Probably I have a beautiful wife" her face frowned "Since you're wife is not here why don't we enjoy ourselves" she smirk and pour wine in my glass .

I was really drunk then she dragged me to the sofa and kissed me roughly , I let out moan and unbuttoned my clothes "You're sexy , please be mine" she murmured and caressed my abs . I kissed her back and enjoy our moment

Twice POV

All of us were worried where Mina was but then Chaeyoung pointed the sofa where is Mina is making out with another woman . Jihyo immediately dialed Y/N's number . Nayeon was really mad at Mina because she cheated on her wife . "I assume that Y/N would not mad but disappointed when she saw this" Jeongyeon said make all of us nodded . A few minutes later we saw Y/N went to our direction , Nayeon walk to her and dragged her to Mina's direction . All of us sighed heavily and look at Y/N .

Nayeon POV

I dragged Y/N to Mina's direction while Mina still didn't realize her wife was infront of her "M-Mina" Y/N stuttered and Mina's eyes lock with Y/N . She widened her eyes and get off from the woman . I stay silent "I didn't know you did this to me , but yeah I'm sorry if I'm not being good enough for you Mina" I can felt her pain and I saw Y/N smile painfully . She look at me with her tears fell down "B-baby I-I can explain it" she chuckled bitterly "I know you want to explain but why didn't you flinch her? You're hurting me , Mina . You're killing myself "

Her last part really shocked me , I hold her hands then she smile to me . How can she still smiling even it hurting her too much . Mina look at her full of guilty "B-baby I'm sorry" Y/N take a deep breath "I will just need some time , take care of yourself" she smiled to me and left the bar . Mina look at me then her legs felt weak "You know what you did Mina , why are you hurting her?!" Mina pleaded to me "You can see that she's hiding her pain! What the fuck are you doing this!" I half shouted to her then head back to the girls "I'm out here" I left the bar

I saw Y/N sat on the walkaway , she cried and I kneeled down then hugged her "It's okay baby , I'm here" she sobbed on my shoulder "Am I not good enough unnie?" I hold her tightly "Let's go home" she shook her head , I look at her worriedly . "Bring me to Mama Seulgi's house" I nodded then she handed me her key car , I drove her to Mina's mansion , she went to her bedroom and packed her clothes while I texted to Jihyo not to tell Mina about Y/N where she is . I still can't believe Mina did this to her . A few minutes , we arrived at Seulgi's house .

"Nayeonnie , what are you doing here at this time" Seulgi rubbed her eyes , I sighed heavily and pull Y/N infront of her . "I'll explain it in the morning , show me your guest room and let your daughter sleep here for a while" she nodded then showed us the guest room . I put her bags on the other side while she still crying "Baby , please don't cry . Let's sleep now okay?" she nodded then hugged my waist . I caressed her hair until she felt relaxed , I give a kiss on her forehead while smile sadly . A few minutes later , I fell asleep .

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