Start from the beginning

Phoebe: How much do I hate you right now? Unless of course the tabloid rumours are true. In which case I really hate you. He is supposed to be...

Prue: Shh! I do not want to know anything about him. I just wanna take his picture and leave. And I need to go get ready.

Piper: Uh, Prue, you don't think Leo lives here do you?

Prue: I mean, yeah, of course he does but, I mean, it's fine as long as you're happy, that's all I really care about, not that I was unhappy when I saw Leo all naked in the shower and just all wet. Andy and James live here too so I have no problem with Leo living here

Piper: Okay, so you guys just need to make up some ground rules, you know, what's acceptable and not acceptable and... (Phoebe and Prue leave the room.) I'm serious.

(She picks up the letter from Dr. Williamson and puts it in the bin.)

[Scene: Hospital. Dr. Williamson's in a lab talking on the phone. There are three monkeys in cages which are named 'Prue', 'Piper and Phoebe Halliwell he did have blood from Primrose Halliwell but it was stolen

Dr. Williamson: Of course I got your memo, you can't be serious. Have you read my report? Ninety days ago, Piper Halliwell was admitted here with Arroyo fever. Within twenty-four hours she was completely free of the virus even though she failed to respond to any of the treatments.

Dr. Jeffries: Dr. Williamson, I may be new to San Francisco Memorial but I am very aware of the project.

Dr. Williamson: And you're also aware of the fact that her recovery makes no clinical sense.

Dr. Jeffries: True. But your subsequent test failed to reveal anything out of the ordinary.

Dr. Williamson: Look, I just need more time. I've only injected the primate samples of the Halliwell's blood this morning.

Dr. Jeffries: Piper Halliwell is fine. I want you to forget about her and concentrate on people who are sick.

Dr. Williamson: I am. Somewhere in this blood could be the key to unlocking the universal antibody.

Dr. Jeffries: And if I agreed with you we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Dr. Williamson: You will not terminate this project.

Dr. Jeffries: I believe I already have.

(Dr. Williamson hangs up.)

Dr. Williamson: I'm not giving up. (He uses an eye dropper to put Prue, Piper and Phoebe's blood in a small jar. He then puts it in a syringe and places it on the table. He picks up a key and unlocks a cage.) Alright, group, let's see how this affects you.

(One of the monkeys, with Prue's power, makes the syringe fly and the blood gets injected in Dr. Williamson's neck. He quickly pulls it out the monkeys start jumping up and down in their cages.)

Opening Credits

[Scene: Hospital. Laboratory. Dr. Williamson is putting a band aid on his neck. The monkeys are still chattering and rattling the cages.]

Dr. Williamson: I said be quiet!

(As he says that, he turns around and points his finger. Bottles of blood fly up and smash against the wall. He looks his hand. Dr. Jeffries walks in.)

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