Chapter 5

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After he dropped Gary's treats off as well some groceries he needed to do, so he was prepared for when he got his son back, Avocato headed to gather more information.

He had been having a rough couple of days on his way to this planet.

Gary had began to copy actions he saw on the television and as he seemed to be enjoying musicals at the moment, he often did a dorky little dance he saw a character do and as much as it annoyed Avocato to have the manbird's wings knock tleverywhere, he still couldn't help the small laugh it dragged out of him.

Gary has also woken him up far too early recently, Avocato suspects it's due to the lack of understanding of time. He'd often wake up with Gary stood ontop of him like some sleep paralysis demon except the demon was a very hungry angel looking dude that squeaked loudly.

To make matters worse, Avocato already didn't get enough sleep. He has been awake doing research and often remembering his son, missing his prescence. Gary once had caught him longingly looking out the window once and simply stood (emphasise on stood- that bird barely stands up, always crouching) by his side and Avocato would be lying if it wasn't a bit comforting to have someone at his side through it.

The top of the cherry was his things were missing. He figured someone must have broken in at some point without his knowledge but figured it to be impossible as nothing of importance was stolen.
Avocato figured it was Gary moving his things around causing him to forget where he put them or maybe Avocato was simply getting old.

So here he was, in a strange planet with old weapons stashed around his body as he's looking for signs of his son.

With a heavy sigh , he made his way forth towards yet another prison- except this one wasn't a 'tresure prison' - just good old regular, bad guys, prison.

Sneaking in was the easy part, the hard part was gathering said information that he needed.

He was in higher ground, watching guards march by the control room from above. His ears momentarily turned to footsteps behind him, climbing the stairs to where he was and he mentally prepared himself.

Click. Clack. Click.

Just one, Avocato counted, deciding to remain in place.

Straining his ears, he listened, counting the guards step until he was close enough- close enough to notice but not close enough to start shouting at him.

Click. Clack. Click. Clack. Click-

In a swift movement, Avocato turned and pulled the guard by the neck, wrapping both his arms in a chokehold. He buldged his biceps, trapping the guard in his hold, clawing at his arms until, ultimately, falling limp.

Quietly, he glanced down, noticing the two guards were gone. Not taking any more time to wait and jumping down, landing in a roll to quiet his fall and not damage his ankles from the height.

With great care, he paused by the door and listened. He heard a bit of chatter but even so opened the door in a quick motion, closing it just as fast as quietly as he could.

Three heads snapped his way, already scrambling to grab weapons, one reaching to give warning of intruders.
Taking his gun in hand, Avocato shot the one that was about to snitch before shooting the other two just in time as they pulled out their weapons.

He momentarily paused to listen, just in case anyone was approaching or hiding, but soon found himself relax slightly as he strolled to the controls and began to look through the prisoners currently held in.
Quickly, he scrolled through the names, unsure if it'd be safe to type his son's name outward even if it'd save him time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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