Chapter 2

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Dust seemed to have a party down the halls, gathering in each forgotten room. The treasure prison seemed to have a lack of care and a lack of guards as well...mainly on this section of the building.

Avocato had hoped he'd find his son, navigating the prison blindly as he stealthily made his way past guards and rare creatures in cages.
Guards were in tidy uniforms, helmets covering their faces. The place seemed clean enough to just past as a reasonably sanitised place but the deeper the ventraxian ventured into the treasure prison...the more abandoned it seemed.

He found himself making his way down some steps of stairs that were broken and falling apart, assuming that the Lord Commander would do his best to hide his son.
Black dried up goo were splattered on the walls, mixed with blood. Doors broken and rusty, old due to time...

Avocato found nothing...
Nothing but the harpy, that is.

Tweeting curiously, the harpy besides him seemed to want to touch everything. He had no disregard for personal space or control.
Still, Avocato allowed the creature to play and adventure, frowning at realisation that the harpy must have been a toy that the Lord Commander quickly grew bored of and forgotten it... the state of this place would explain that.

Hopping around happily, the harpy explored the ruins of the basement of the Lord Commander's prideful treasure prison, pausing in front of large doors that were decorated beautifully, heavy lock inbetween them broken.

Blond hair fluffed as he tilted his head like a puppy that had heard a new noise, the harpy got on all fours, crawling towards door with caution. His feathery ears rattled for a moment, wings hunched over as if the wings would help hide him.

"What is it?" Avocato asked, analysing the birdman's body language before his hand instinctively rest on his hip, grasping the gun there ready for a surprise attack.
Avocato pulled out his gun with jaw set and eyes straight with focus. Slowly, he creaked the door open, trying not to use too much strengh to accidentally barge in but struggling due to the heavy doors. He paused when he could look through a small crack.

Inside, there were long expensive looking couches, clearly made of good leather that was even taken as far at to be dyed red. The room was vast, far too large and ceiling far too tall.
In the centre was a long table; discarded old electronics, playing cards, scrunched up money and a series of various other things scattered on it as well as the floor...

But that's not what gathered the attention of the old general. Above, hanging from a ceiling with lights, that flickered every so often, pointed towards it like a spotlight was a huge birdcage.
Glancing down at the harpy, Avocato estimated the cage to be twice and a half as tall as him, wide enough so  whatever was supposedly in it could swing on the the swings that seemed quite uncomfortable to sit on.

A small trill brought Avocato back as he realized the harpy was simply pushing through the cracks, making the door open further.

"Hey wai--" Avocato stopped, sighing as he told himself there was no point in hiding as there was no one in this place anyway. So instead, Avocato stood watching the naked butt bird begin to browse the room.

Sniffing the air, the harpy hopped on one of the long couches, hands resting on the back of it before he jumped off and attempted to crawl under the table.
Avocato stood there, watching the harpy get stuck, his bird like legs scrambling behind to try break free- or was he trying to go further? Either way, Avocato wasn't sure what to make of the... view.

Sighing, Avocato began looking around the room, allowing the big bird to do whatever he pleased for the time being.
He roamed the room, gathering information from items that were abandoned here and how the room was arranged.

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