Emotional Night

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A week had passed since my dad contacted Yeonjun to inform him that he agrees to his proposal. I haven't seen RJ within that week though so I wonder if she's okay. While RJ was nowhere to be found, Yeonjun and I started spending a lot of time together.

Yeonjun and I are currently having dinner right now.

"Where's RJ?" I ask since he has a different guard with him.

"She's busy" he avoids eye contact with me.

"Doing what?" I ask.

"Personal stuff. Not my information to share" he takes a sip of his water.

"Do you actually like me?" I ask him as I lean back on my back. He chokes on his water and almost spit out.

"I'm sorry?" He continues to cough.

"Do you actually like me? You said you liked me but you don't really act like it? Minju was touchy and sweet but you're keeping your distance. Why is that?"

"Do you want me to touch you? I was trying to be respectful" he explains.

"It's not you. It's me. No one seems to live up to my expectations of how I want my partner to act. Something just feels like it's missing" I say.

"Ouch, does that mean you're rejecting me?" He chuckles.

"We can be friends. I'm just not feeling it. I'm sorry" I give him a sad smile.

"You don't need to be sorry. You can't force yourself to like someone. To tell you the truth though, I don't see you like that either. I don't like you in that way."

"Are you just saying this because I rejected you?" I squint my eyes at him.

"No" he laughs while shaking his head, "I had to give your dad a reason why I'm pushing so hard to give you the best protection and the only thing I could think of at the moment was saying that I have feelings for you."

"Why are you trying to protect me then?" I ask.

"What do you know that we don't?" I add.

"I believe that Prince Lucas is trying to kill you before you take the throne."

"Why though? Is it because of what happened when I visited?"

"No, I think it's something he's planned for a while. Your kingdom is the biggest and being in the center, when traveling from one kingdom to the next, we have to go through you. You get business from other kingdoms because they have to stop to get food or gas. You also have the richest soil for planting crops. You have a lot of resources here that we don't have in our kingdoms."

"Then does that mean you're after me too? Is that why you're being nice to me? If he wants that then why should I believe that you don't?" I question.

"If I was after you then you would know. I would have continued lying to you about having feelings to make you fall in love with me. My kingdom has a good relationship with yours. Hence, trying to form a relationship so we can continue to work well together in the future."

"Then how do you know all of this? About Lucas wanting to kill me?"

"I have an informant. They gather information for me. They heard it straight from Prince Lucas that he's planning to take over your kingdom."

"I don't know if I should believe you" I admit to him.

"You could be trying to be on my good side then blindside me later on. How should I know that the attack wasn't your doing?" I say.

"I was in danger too."

"You could have pretended."

"What about RJ then? Do you think she's pretending to care about you?" He ask.

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