Chapter 4 - Preparations

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A familiar figure called the broom to her side, holding it in her hands as she stepped out of the shadows into the light.

"You know, you both have played better jokes on us before. But a wedding invitation?" Irene finally spoke, looking down at the two. Five more figures stepped into the light with her.

"Irene? Gulley? Seres? What the... what are you all doing here?!" Legend questioned while standing up. He offered a hand to his partner who was still slowly rising from the floor.

"You know there are better ways of getting our attention?" Ravio got up on his feet with the help of Legend's extended hand.

"We'll be the ones asking the questions!" Gulley spoke up.

Osfala was next to speak, pushing the younger aside, "Is it true? Are you actually getting married?!"

"And so soon?" Seres followed up.

The group ganged up on the two, asking countless questions, and talking over each other. The noise was becoming overwhelming so Legend snapped, "Alright, alright hang on!"

The group went quiet, staring at them in anticipation.

Ravio cleared his throat, "Yes, we are."

There was silence before everyone in the room cheered and brought the two into a group hug. They were nearly crushed by the sudden weight of six people hugging them at once.
The moment was ruined by the loud footsteps coming from the stairs.

"Gulley! How many times do I have to tell you to keep the curtains open during the day?!" the Blacksmith's Wife stormed in, opening up all the curtains, allowing light to come in.

"And keep it down! I can't get some time to clear my head?!" the Blacksmith yelled from upstairs.

"Aw, mom! I'm trying to be dramatic!" Gulley complained, still hugging the pair.

"Well, you can be dramatic outside!" The Blacksmith's Wife then turned around to see the ensemble. Her eyes met Legend and Ravio's, "Oh, Link! Ravio! Nice to see you both again. Congratulations on the engagement." She then made her way back upstairs.

"Oh! Thank you!" Ravio managed to let out.

"See? I told you all they were getting married but nobody believed me. Typical..." a voice said.

Everyone turned to the corner at the front of the house. There sat Impa watching the whole ordeal, a book in her hand.

"Seriously, how long have you been sitting there?" Legend looked at the woman puzzled.

"The entire time... again." She then went back to her reading.

The group then finally set the nearlyweds down on the floor.

Osfala spoke first, "So, why such a quick wedding timeline? I've always viewed you two as the kind of couple that takes things slow?" He made grand hand gestures as he spoke.

"Well, we didn't have plans to get engaged or even married for that matter until this week..." Ravio stared at the ground and twiddled his thumbs when he explained this.

"To make a long story short, Ravio needs his citizenship if he wants to continue living with me in Hyrule and run his shop. This was the fastest way to ensure he won't have to leave home. There's no way I could let them kick Ravio out of the kingdom. Not after he's worked so hard to rebuild his life here with me," Legend finished.

Ravio shifted his glance to his fiancé and both their cheeks rouged. He reached out to his hand so they could link pinkies. Legend began to gently swing their arms.

Seres beamed, "That is very noble of you, Link."

"No matter the case, congratulations!" Rosso boomed.

"Ah, enough of the mushy stuff and skip to the good part. Let's see those rocks!" Irene interjected.

The two looked at each other then back at the group. Legend spoke, "We don't have the rings yet, since it was a last minute decision."

"We're having a friend of ours make them for us. He's a smith," Ravio finished.

"Aw what? Lame..." The witch crossed her arms.

"Well, when the rings are made we'd be happy to see them," Queen Oren smiled.

"They better be made from the best materials. Only the best belongs to the best," Gulley chimed in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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